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I wake up only to be greeted by darkness. I huff as I look around the room and see that I'm
the only one in the room. I had another nightmare that Tiger tried to kill me in my sleep and I was almost too late.

I sigh as I rub my face as I get out of bed. The sheets slip off with ease and I make my way to the bathroom. I turn the light on and see bags under my eyes when I look in the mirror. I splash my face with some cold water and then get dressed.

I head out of my room not feeling tired anymore. I make my way down the empty hallways and find myself by the cells. I haven't visited once since I had Tiger put in one a few days ago. I haven't even bothered asking for updates.

I look and see the guards not there and grit my teeth. I hear a soft moan and figure it's Tiger but then I hear a ungodly growl and yank the door open. My breath hitches when I see the scene in front of me.

David is dead on the ground with a bloody throat and reanimating while Keres is in the corner with blood gushing out of her wrist. But it's not from a bite since David is by the door just starting to move. I take my knife and stab David in the skull as Keres' body starts to slump against the wall.

I run over and check for a pulse on her and find a faint one. I quickly take off my shirt and tie it tightly around her wrist. Her eyes are starting to roll back and I clench my jaw when I see that David's pants are near her.

"I'm sorry Shane." She mumbles as I pick her up in my arms.

She's completely limp in my arms but doesn't seem to weigh all that much. Her head lulls at the end of my arm as I make my way out of the cell.

I rush through the hallways and find myself at Dr. Carson's door. I bang on it with my foot and shout for him to wake the fuck up. A few seconds later the door swings open and a very tired looking Dr. Carson answers. He ushers me in when he sees Keres and I put her on the table

"Can you tell me what happened?" Carson asks as he unwraps the girl's arm.

"The fuck does it matter?! Just fix her up!" I growl and Carson sighs.

"I need to know so I can make sure she gets the proper treatment." He explains and I clench my jaw and think it over.

"I heard a grunt and then a growl coming from the cell. I went in and saw David dead on the floor and her against the wall. David was starting to come back so I stabbed him in the head. I saw her wrist was bloody and quickly wrapped it up." I say in one breath and Carson nods his head.

I pace back and forth as he looks at the damages and determines the order of treatment. My heart is thumping hard in my chest as he tells me that she's lucky to be alive. I can't help but feel confused as to why I feel so relieved that she's going to make it.

"Sir, she's going to need to take it easy with the arm and need the bandages changed. I don't think the cell is the best place for that to happen..." The doc says in his meek tone.

"What else?" I mutter knowing he's holding back.

"These look like they were self inflicted, based on your time of events, David had already been dead a while and she must've used one of his knives to slit her wrist..." He explains cautiously and I look over at the unconscious girl.

"Spit it out." I growl.

"I think it would beneficial for her to see someone, talk to someone who has dealt with people in her mindset." He carefully states.

"A fucking shrink? Yeah, let me just go and grab the one I have on call for this type of shit." I scoff.

"Actually, I do know of someone who was one before all of this started. I could talk to him, get him to try and help her. If she doesn't get help I'm afraid this will only get worse." He says and I think it over for a moment.

[Rough Draft]        Keres : The Walking Dead Where stories live. Discover now