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We head outside and talk as a group about it, and Rick says that this is the trade.

"It's gonna cost us something." Maggie says somberly.

"Doesn't everything?" I counter.

"But, what if this costs us one of us?" She asks.

"To these people, The Saviors seem like something impossible to beat because they never learned how to fight for themselves. We've faught countless groups of people. People who wanted us dead, people who wanted to eat us! Hell, even a goddamn maniac with a fucking tank! Twice! We just saved Alexandria from over a thousand walkers! Did we lose people, yeah. But we lost people who were like the people here at Hilltop. Everyone who was there at the prison survived! And the people at Alexandria are one step closer to being strong like us!" I start saying and am surprised that I'm actually making a speech.

Before anyone else can respond the door opens and Jesus tells us that Gregory is up and wants to talk to Maggie. Rick nods for me to follow discreetly and I listen from outside the bedroom door.

Maggie tells Gregory that we get half of their stuff now if we take care of Negan for them. He tries to argue but she makes it quite clear that they're completely helpless against Negan's people, and he'll end up dead. Gregory claps in a sarcastic way and tells Maggie congratulations that they have a deal. And Maggie leaves and gives me the side eye as she walks down the stairs. I follow outside and she pulls me aside.

"I don't need you watching over my shoulder." She huffs.

"Wasn't my idea." I shrug and walk away.

She looks over at Rick and goes to him. She tells him the deal and Rick seems pleased. She starts talking about me listening in on her conversation with Gregory. He tells her that he told me to listen in, make sure Gregory didn't try to worm his way out of anything. Basically I'm the muscle. Maggie nods her head understanding and then walks off with Glenn.

Rick motions me over and we look around at the stuff being put into the RV.

"What?" Andy asks as he walks over, his arm is all bandaged up thanks to their doc.

"Jesus said you've been taking supplies to Negan since the beginning. We're gonna get Craig back." Rick says.

"The only way to get Craig back is to bring them Gregory's head." Andy says.

"That can easily be arranged." I smirk and Rick smirks too.

"You can't!" They starts saying.

"Relax, the old fart's gonna keep breathing. I just have to find a walker that somewhat resembles him and cut its head off." I shrug and they seem impressed with the plan.

"But, before she does that, we need to know what you know about Negan's compound. We need your help. We can get the job done, we just need to know what we're going up against." Rick explains and Andy sighs.

"We need you to come." Rick adds and Andy looks at him seeming to think it over.

"Yeah. Okay." Andy agrees and then walks away.

Rick grabs a basket on a picnic table and Jesus comes up beside him with another container.

"You got room for one more, right?" Jesus asks.

"I mean, we're talking about the end of the world here. Plus, you still have my knives." Jesus adds and I scoff as Jesus brings the stuff into the RV.

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