"If your waiting for the waiter aren't you the waiter."

"What does WIFI stand for?"

I stared at Lyric for what felt like hours and fell to the floor forgetting how to stand for that second. I should take that man down! Down to the ground and fuck him!


"You should do that!" Lyric added.

"You heard me?"

"Your talking out loud girl!"

And she's talking too much.,...
We both laid on the bed looking at the very white ceiling laughing like hyenas.

"Ugh I can never do anything in this place it's just "Lyric stay in your room!", "Lyric don't try it!", "Lyric! Lyric! Lyric!"."
Whoa that's a lot for her to unload on me like that and I wasn't paying attention to her big speech, damn I'm a bitch.

"Lyric it'll get better! Just have to wait until someone kidnaps you and takes you away from society and your whole family leaving you in a basement for weeks torturing you for months and causing you to rethink your whole mental system." She stared at me and laughed very loudly while I rolled another blunt.

"Mhm if only he wasn't treated that way by my father than none of this wouldn't have happened, plus Azar wouldn't have taken the time and pain to learn who bea-."

"Wait what!" I shot up from the bed looking down at lyric and her crunches up face of confusion.


"Your father started all this?" I felt woozy again not understanding what her response was back to me just watching her moved lips very slowly.

"WHAT THE HELL!!!" A voice echoed through the vents and into the room, he's close.
Or he's right in front of us.....

"Oh no Zira?" Lyric whispers in my ear very loudly. "I think my brother found out about us getting high, in this very room ... right now!"

I looked at her and let my breath on smoke come out for which I was holding for a very long time now. "Yeah."


My office was locked until I heard pounding on it coming from the other side, who the hell wants to bother me when I'm trying to work.

"WHAT!" I opened the door seeing Azar standing like a fucking idiot clueless to why he was standing in front of my face.

"Do you smell that?" He asked.

"Smell what Azar! I'm fucking working I don't have time for your dumb childish games!"

"I'm actually serious Adri- beast!" He changed his response from what happened with our conversation last time. I moved past him ignoring his little childish faces smelling something strong and sick.

My guards aren't up inside the house and my services have jobs to do the only one who is stupid enough to take my words as a joke is just a few doors down.

My feet stomped on the hard wood floor trying to keep him in check and my breathing constant but this girl this bitch just makes all of it unstable.

"BEAST WAIT!" I ignored his words swinging the door open releasing a cloud of smoke. I couldn't think straight I could feel my heartbeat grow stronger and my eyes focus on the one thing that flew in and out my mind.

"WHAT THE HELL!!!" They both looked up eyes red and big as ever with blank expression on their fucking faces.

"Oh shit Lyric really?! I thought I told you to not touch my stuff!" Azar walked up to her pushing her away from my view so I relaxed my focus on her and her only.

My Beastحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن