Chapter 2 - Iced manuka honey macchiato & gut feelings

Start from the beginning

Geez, I am so sorry for looking like a mess while trying to get through life.

"Thank you for using our service, we hope to see you soon." I tried my best to sound like her order is much appreciated and hoped that it would make her mocking go away, offering a meek smile.

I was ten steps from the door before Linda made an exclamation.

"Ew! What is this horrible, foul drink?" She yelled out loud. I turned around to see her beautiful face crumpled into a frown, her hand holding onto the drink is outstretched as if the drink is a monster that could do some serious damage to her and her french-manicured nails.

Maybe I will be that goddamn monster.

I internally groan, knowing what is about to come.

Perks of working in the Mafia world, you know when shit is about to go down.

"This isn't what I have ordered! This is nothing like the one at Starbucks!" Linda continued, her long diamond earrings swinging as she spoke. Some of her friends snickered while others threw me a pitiful glance, but none said anything. To them, it is good entertainment that they would not want to risk interrupting and end up hearing that drama queen's whining for the entire day or get on her bad side.

"Perhaps the difference for the taste could be found in the ingredients we used, Miss. Our cafe uses all natural and organic ingredients and no artificial sugar. Thus, our drinks are more bitter and stronger in taste." I explained as well as I could, hoping she would let me off the hook.

"Who CARES what your stupid cafe thinks? Stop trying to be original and just follow the perfect standards A.K.A. Starbucks. Why do I have to suffer for your incompetence?" She yelled and now, I have the sudden urge to reap out her hair extensions and her diamond earrings.

Conceal, don't feel, Elizabeth.
Keep your head down and don't stir trouble.
Just be nice and apologise even if that is one ridiculous, spoiled girl .

"I sincerely apologise for your poor experience at our cafe. Would you like another drink? We will do our best to make it to your standards." I offered, knowing that this is the only way to handle this peacefully, without having a dead body to clear up.

"I do not want to taste shit again. You can go now. I will be sure to tell mummy all about this shitty cafe which I decided to try out of the goodness of my heart, only for me to get treated so poorly. I will make sure this cafe is shut down once and for all, to spare us from your disgusting services that everyone only pretended to enjoy. Seriously, next time you poor sods want to start a business, please don't." After all the crap she spilled, she stood there as if she's waiting for me to beg for mercy.

I only knew that no one deserved to be treated in this manner. Those "weak" poor sods are humans too.

"If you wanted Starbucks, then get your slaves to get it for you, don't give me this bullshit of how you wanted to do something good. WE are not charity. Also, get your slaves to pull out whatever is stuck up your ass, because oh. my. god. you are a stuck up bitch." I let it all out like how Elsa decided to let go of her gloves and started walking towards the door.

The cafe is one of the things that helped me got through the last two years. I expanded the idea and turned it into a profitable business, helping poor students like myself. Hearing her throw her weights around so casually, hurts. What's worse? Knowing that she could actually shut down the cafe with just her foul mouth.

For the love of our creator, Linda has no rights to insult the under-privileged kids. She has no talent and could not pick up any, despite her mother signing up so many classes for her. When you multiply zero by something, it's still zero. The only difference between us is that she has a lot of money to make up for her lack of talent, and we have talents that we could not afford to hone by our own means.

I first felt the wetness before the cold registered in my brain.

Yep you guessed it.

She threw the drink at me. That cliche bitch. When I turned around for the second time, Linda was trembling with rage. The bits of iced manuka honey macchiato dripping from the cup.

The murmurs that picked up after I walked away was cut off once more, some stood up while the rest stared at us. Charlie Pang, a charismatic and cute academic genius, walked to Linda and whispered into her ear. Yet, in the quietest room of the universe, everyone heard what he whispered.

"Linda, calm down, she's not worth it."

Ouch. So much for thinking he is cute and different.

"Just wait for the school's notice of your cafe shutting down. Also, pack up your bags because you are so expelled. Letting you in was a huge mistake." Linda declared, a smirk sliding into her face as she sees that she is surrounded by her friends.

There is no point in having an education, if this is the hellhole I get to call school. I shrugged my shoulders, "Your dad banging your mom was a huge mistake. Oh wait, that's why he left with another woman, didn't he?"

Perks of my hacker job in the Mafia world, any information is available for me to use, so long it is recorded on an online system. When I came across this tidbit during a background check on the two Mafia prince residing in the school and all the popular kids they hang out with, it made my day. Carina even commented on how creepy I looked, as I kept on smiling for an entire day straight.

Oh man, the gasps that followed were so satisfying. Not many people knew how close the rumours of Linda's dad having an affair with his young assistant came to the truth, but everyone knew about this rumour. And using a rumour to attack the Chang's pride in having a blissful family? It is as good as exposing the truth.

"You bitch!" Linda pulled free from Charlie's grip and raised her hand to slap me, which of course I caught it in my left hand. Seriously, she is so predictable. She should also be grateful that we are not in a dark alley in the middle of the night, or else I would have cracked that jaw with my brass knuckle.

I pressed down on her wrists until she thrashed out in pain. "Linda, I thought they taught you to not get your hands dirty by touching people like me?" I mocked, before letting go of her.

I knew that what I am doing would only be temporary fun for me. When the notice for The Raindrop to close down gets delivered to the cafe, I will be the one thrashing about, begging on my knees to stop its closure. But screw the consequence, this moment is too good to miss.

Despite Linda's borderline hysterical crying, her friends stood frozen in their spots. At first I thought they are too afraid of me, because I acted like a rabid dog. However, I soon realised their eyes are trained on something behind me.

Not something.


His icy blue eyes pierced through me and I know that I have just exposed myself.

"Bruci come il sole anche se sei la sua morte," He said with an unnerving grin when he walked past me. As if he did not give away enough, I had to make a small pause in my steps after he had spoken.

Way to go, Elizabeth! You just locked your head in the fucking guillotine.

*Bruci come il sole anche se sei la sua morte - you burn like the sun even if you are its death (google translated)
Their first scene together!!!
Thank you for reading and see you in the next chapter! :)

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