Chapter 01 | The Beginning

Start from the beginning

She was a coward, so she could not do anything other than bowing her head in front of her father and accepting whatever he wanted from her. She loved Huang Dewei more than anyone in this world but still less than her father. However, living with a cold-hearted, ruthless man like Wang Lei was not something easy either. The past three months with her husband had been hell for her. There was no love between them, and the more she lived with Wang Lei, the more she misses Huang Dewei. She wonders what he was doing, but now she can never escape. That was her destiny. If she runs, she and Huang Dewei will be killed for cheating on Emperor because it is a huge sin, so they should never meet again.

With one last smile at her daughter, Li Qiang got up from his place and got out of the room, and as soon as he was out, Xin Ying angrily punched the table as the fire was blazing from her eyes. Why did she have to sacrifice so much in her life? Nothing works for her. She wanted to actually she wanted to kill the person whom she can't tolerate...her ruthless husband...the emperor of the country...Wang Lei.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on him as he memorised them all. The moments of his body while playing sword riding were making everyone fixate on him. Nobody was able to look away because that was how charming, muscular, and perfect he was looking. His component was sweating tiredly while no one even could hear him breathing heavily. That was how much he had control over him.

All maids and females from the palace were admiring him while males' gazes were filled with envy and jealousy. Many people did not want him to be where he was, but that place was his, and he was not giving it to anyone. He was the Emperor of the Wang dynasty...He was Wang Lei, fully aware of how much power and control his name and title held. He was writing history right now...he was an example to the future generation, and he wanted to be an unbeatable example for generations.

Even though he was assumed to be saved inside the palace, he only knew that was the most dangerous place for him. His enemies were everywhere. The palace was a mess because everyone was doing what they wanted, and the biggest challenge for him was the corruption of rich and elite people on poor people. He needed a permanent solution for it on which he was secretly working. However, there was still a long way. Palace politics was the normal thing in the palace, but he knew he was not someone easy to trample on.

With one last strike of the sword and his component was on the ground. Everyone cheer around him as he proudly and coldly looked up while his head servant XiXi ran towards him and handed him the water; he took and gulped the water because he was very thirsty with all the fighting he had been doing for the past hour without a break. Then he composed himself and walked out of the fighting court while his head servant and other servants respectfully followed him.

With steady steps, he entered his palace area, then entered his room chamber while closing the door behind him, leaving his servants outside the door to wait and guard him. He changes his closed and sighed as he sat down on his chair. He leaned back and closed his eyes when he heard his servant.

'Dear Emperor, your Majesty Xin Ying is here to meet you.' As his servant announced, he sat back up properly as Xin Ying entered inside. She stopped in front of him, and anger and fire-filled eyes looked towards him, who was looking back towards her.

'What is it? How come you are here?' Wang Lei asked emotionlessly as he stood up.

'I know you must be busy, but can you fulfil your duties as a husband as well instead of just being an Emperor? You might don't want me, but our families want children from us. They are waiting.' Xin Ying said coldly and rudely while he stared towards her and then sighed.

'I understand; I will come to your room tonight.' Wang Lei said and turned over, then walk and picked up the book while she glared towards him then, without a word, walked out. He sighed as soon the door closed, and he put away the book.' More than him, he knew it was her who don't want him, and he wonders what the reason for her hatred towards him was. They both were arranged and forced into it, but she hates him, and he doesn't understand the reason. 'He thought, then shook away his head. He doesn't have time for that since he has a lot of work to do.

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