Chapter 93| Pill Effects

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Huang Dewei has been taking those magic pills for ten days now and he could feel changes happening. His head had been hurting for the past few days but today he felt even worse. His body was burning indicating fever. He felt like vomiting but nothing was coming out, his body was hunting and today early in the morning, when he woke up, he definitely got a fever. 

He was feeling cold as if he covered himself properly with the blanket when there was a knock on his door. The door opened and Huang Dewei slowly sat up on the bed with throbbing pain and an irritated heart. He looked up towards the door where Wang Lei had entered. Wang Lei looked at him and ran towards him with a worry-filled expression. 

Huang Dewei always comes to work at Wang Lei's office chamber since he was still his bodyguard early in the morning after his training but today Wang lei kept waiting but he never came. He got disquieted and anxiously decided to check on him. Wang Lei's gaze fell on his red pale face as his condition does not look well to Wang Lei. He sat down on the bed in front of him and got hold of his burning-hot face. 

'What's wrong?' Wang Lei asked distraughtly

'Nothing, I am just not  feeling well.' Huang Dewei replied  

'Shall I get a doctor for you?' Wang Lei said stressed and troubled over his condition. He does not look well at all. His hand was on Huang Dewei's burning-hot cheek as they looked at each other. 

'No, I will be fine.'  Huang Dewei replied carelessly 

'You don't look fine to me. I think we should get a doctor.'  Wang Lei said still very concerned regarding his awful condition. 

'No, I will rest and I will be fine.' Huang Dewei replied back as he was getting annoyed now. He was feeling well and he can't go to doctor because the doctors might realised why he was like this and he can't risk Wang Lei finding out about pearl magic. 

'No, I still think calling the doctor is a better option.' Wang Lei said stubbornly because he wanted doctor to check him out and give me medicine since his condition was not looking good. 

'I said No...I am fine. Why do you keep making me repeat it?' Huang Dewei shouted frustrated and vexed and Wang Lei was a little taken aback by his sudden outburst while Huang Dewei knew he could feel changes happening inside him due to magic pills. He thoughts he can keep control but the pill's effects were more substantial than he excepted. He was already feeling physically changing and emotionally. He was getting angry and irritated over small things without a reason. Even now Wang Lei said nothing with bad intentions. 

'Okay, Calm down. I am only concerned for you.' Wang Lei said as he tried to stay calm. He was getting suspicious of Huang Dewei's changing behavioural. Wang Lei had been noticed changing him in the past few days but today it was a little too extreme. 

'Well, you are annoying me...I want to be alone so just go from here.' Huang Dewei snapped sharply leaving Wang Lei even more stunned. 

'Weiwei...' Wang Lei whispered appalled

'Just leave me alone and get out of here.' Huang Dewei said in the same cold annoyed voice and Wang Lei was stunned but he said nothing in response. Huang Dewei was not feeling well so he must be feeling irritated hence he does not want to bother him too much even though he was little hurt by his behavioural. 

'I will send Cheng with food and home remedy medicine and if you need anything just let him know.' Wang Lei said keeping the same soft tone and Huang Dewei said nothing as he laid back down on the bed. He closed his eyes. Wang Lei looked at him for a few seconds then sighed and got out of the room. 

Cheng came after a few minutes with food and medicine. Huang Dewei took the medicine and try eating food which he could and went back to sleep. Cheng kept coming once in a while the whole day and took care of him. Huang Dewei knew that whatever he was doing was on Wang Lei's order and by the end of the night, he was feeling guilty for his behavioural in the morning with Wang Lei. However, his condition was still the same or more like it was actually getting worse. 

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