Chapter 60| Disappeance

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Wang Lei was shaking with anger and fury as he read the letter he found in Huang Dewei's room. He had read the letter for million times which he found when he went to his room late at night.

The letter says 'Forgive me, Wang Lei. You deserve someone better than me and I believe you will find someone better than me. If I give up my life I can stop more innocent children from getting murdered. I pray for you, Xin Ying and your future child to have happy everlasting life.


Your Weiwei.'

Wang Lei felt his head off about to explode when there was a knock on the door and Feng Zhi entered inside. He bowed down as he greeted him

'Did you call for me, your majesty ?' Feng Zhi said and Wang Lei nodded his head as he moved the paper he was holding in his hand towards Feng Zhi. Feng Zhi read the Huang Dewei words written in the letter in black ink and looked at Wang Lei stunned.

'Where do your think Huang Dewei went?' Feng Zhi asked as he was a little confused about the whole scenario since he had no idea what Lin Han said to Wang Lei on the night he was stabbed neither that he came to meet Huang Dewei.

'He went with that serial killer since he came and ask him to come with him. He told me that they knew each other from a long time ago. That man was his best friend and also that he came to his room, but I had no idea that he will actually listen to him. He is such an idiot, Feng Zhi. What should I do about that guy?' Wang Lei said extremely worried and concerned this time. When he think what could had happened with him, Wang Lei anger vanished away as annxiety and stressed came over him. Feng Zhi could tell he was panicking very badly. He never saw Wang Lei reacting like this ever before because he was usually always very calm about all matters. He could tell Wang Lei was terrified and he could felt in that moment Wang Lei's love for Huang Dewei was extremely powerful and strong.

'I don't think that a serial killer is a safe person. I don't think we can trust him, your majesty. Huang Dewei life is most likely not safe even if that person was his childhood best friend. We need to find Huang Dewei.' Feng Zhi said as he gave him his opinion on the whole situation because he knew he should not panic and think of the situation with logic to come up with a isolation even thought he was worried himself regarding Huang Dewei safety. Wang Lei looked at him as he nodded his head.

'I know, but somehow Huang Dewei's brain did not think that him running off with him will not be safe. That's why I call you to find them. Find that man for me anyhow and don't let anyone know about it. If someone asks tell them Huang Dewei went to his parent's house as his father suddenly fell ill. Also, send a guard to his parent's house to keep an eye.' Wang Lei ordered him as he explained to him his plan and Feng Zhi nodded his head as he spoke up

'Are you sure you don't want to tell anyone that he actually runs off after betraying you.' Feng Zhi asked little confused

'If everyone finds out they will get a chance to kill him using the excuse that he betrayed me ...I will be the one deciding his punishment.' Wang Lei replied and Feng Zhi nodded his head then turned over and walked out. Wang Lei looked at the note again then put it inside his pocket while he walked and sat down on the bed defeatedly. He still could not believe Huang Dewei would do something like this.

On the other hand, Huang Dewei got up from the bed as he walked and moved away the curtain from the window as sunlight hit his eyes. He quickly closed his eyes as he walked back tans sat on the bed again. It was the morning time and just like from past four days, Huang Dewei could not sleep all night again. It had been four days since he runoff from the palace and there was quietness everywhere and Wang Lei's quietness was a little scaring Huang Dewei now. Usually when somebody betrayed Emperor like this that news should have spread everywhere and rewards to kill that person should announced yet he saw no posters regarding him in streets neither people were looking for his head to kill him and present his head to Emperor to receive honour and reward from him.

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