Chapter 80| Xin Ying and Ru Qin's Wicked Plan

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Huang Dewei was standing in front of Xin Ying as they both were looking at each other. Huang Dewei was standing in her room because she sent her maid and called him here. He does not know what she wants to discuss with him now.

'Why did you call me?' Huang Dewei said as he asked for his motivation for being here. He does not have time to waste his time here. He was working on a new corruption case.

'Did you tell anything to Wang Lei?' Xin Ying asked and Huang Dewei sighed. He knew she would have called him here to discuss that matter which he does not want to.

'Do you think if I had you still be here standing like this? Why did you not tell him the truth? was miscarriage a your biggest plan since from the start?' Huang Dewei snapped as he asked and Xin Ying did not like his tone but she was on the wrong side this time so she stayed quiet.

'How I can tell him the truth? It will be too much for him.' Xin Ying said as she made an excuse ignoring his most important question regarding her plan for miscarriage about which he was right but she was not going to accept that in front of him.

'Or more like your lie will get caught.' Huang Dewei snapped as he glared at her while catching on to her pathetic excuse.

'Do you want me to tell him the whole truth?'Xin Ying asked

'Yes, you should and then ask for his forgiveness.' Huang Dewei responded

'It's easy for you to say it then do it.' Xin Ying said

'Well, you need because otherwise sooner to later I will tell him...I feel uneasy about hiding things from him.' Huang Dewei said as he warned her then turned over and walked out while Xin Ying angrily signed. Huang Dewei was becoming an issue for her now and she needed to do something about it. He was too loyal to Wang Lei which was not good for Xin Ying and the person who can help and come to her mind was Ru Qin. He could help her achieve what she wanted.

She covers herself properly in ordinary clothes and walked out of her chamber. She took only one maid with her and hid away from everyone as she came out of the palace. She started walking in the night as her maid followed her in complete silence. She reached at his residence where he was staying which was a few streets away from the palace. She stopped in front of his door and knocked. After a few seconds, the door was opened and Ru Qin puzzled looked at the strange women standing in her doorframe. Xin Ying slowly removed cloth from her covered face and Ru Qin was surprised to see Xin Ying at his doorstep. Out of respect he bowed down to her and greeted her as she entered inside leaving her maid outside to keep an eye.

'How I can help you, Emperess?' Ru Qin asked respectfully 

'I want your help to get rid of Huang Dewei from Wang Lei's life.' Xin Ying said as she went straight to the point and Ru Qin was shocked by her request.

'What? Me?'Ru Qin whispered surprised

'Yes, we both can help each other with what we want. Is not why you came back? Did not you come back to win over Wang Lei?' Xin Ying said as she asked and Ru Qin just stares at her as if he knew she was not wrong and even she knew she was right without him even responding to her question.

'Why do you want to get rid of Huang Dewei?' Ru Qin asked and Xin Ying looked at him as she sighed.

'Have you heard of Pearl magic?' Xin Ying asked 

'Yes, it is dangerous magic which come with memorising and extraordinary powers.' Ru Qin replied from the knowledge he had heard just like others about pearl magic. 

'Wang Lei wanted to use pearl magic on Huang Dewei and make him pregnant.' Xin Ying said dropping the drop on his head as Ru Qin eyes widen. 

'I thought it was something temporary...I thought he was just his sex toy to spread his time with.' Ru Qin whispered asked as he felt his fantasy was falling apart. The way Huang Dewei stood in front of Wang Wei earlier today already scared him a little but he was still hopeful but now...he was not so sure about his and Wang Lei reuniting once again as lovers. 

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