Chapter 81| One Step Closer

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Huang Dewei stares at the wooden door in front of him as his gaze scanned his surrounding. He seen no one...everything was still....He was in his all-black clothes with his head and face covered with black cloth as he took a step towards the black door. His heart was rapidly beating inside him as he stopped in front of the door. The silent night was comforting him. After doing his weeks of research while keeping Wang Lei's words in his mind, he finally found a person who had bought many pieces of art with his ordinary working salary. This man worked at the palace and it was near impossible for him to buy these many luxury arts pieces with his salary. Especially since he left his job a few years back and was jobless at the moment yet he bought an art painting just a few months back. The buying of the art deals leads Huang Dewei to the man named Yong. Yong was his first and only might be nothing but it could lead to something more.

Huang Dewei slowly moved his cold hand due to coldness of the night as he touched the door to knock on it, but it was already open. Huang Dewei suspiciously stares at the door as he slowly let the door open... It was all dark inside...Huang Dewei slowly took few steps towards inside as he carefully walked. It was completely silent while he was felt uneasy..a feeling of sinking filled his stomach...his heart was restless as he stopped somewhere in the hall when he saw a light coming from the room at the side. Huang Dewei slowly walked towards the room using the little brightness coming from the room and entered inside and then he freezes.

The scene in front of him were horrifying..veil...terrifying. He could not believe what he was seeing as he felt his breathing has stopped. He wanted to move but he was unable as he felt his body numb as he felt someone putting a hand over his eyes and then turning him away. He was safely embraced into that person's chest as he came to his senses. He was about to scream out when he heard that person.

'Don't look.' He heard Wang Lei's soft voice and Huang Dewei clams down as he closes his eyes and hugged him tightly because he wanted to forget what he had seen. He saw a man with many stabs marks all over his body as he bleeding the blood while hanging on the ceiling. Feng Zhi entered right after Wang Lei and he quickly disgusted looked away upon seeing the horrifying scene in front of him.

'He is dead.' Wang Lei said as they both looked towards him while Wang Lei looked at Feng Zhi and gave the order.

'Call the police guards...handle everything here and get his dead report to me as soon as you could.' Wang Lei said and Feng Zhi nodded his head whereas Wang Lei got hold of Huang Dewei and came out of the house.

'How are you feeling?' Wang Lei asked worried as he scanned his shocked condition.

'I am fine now.' Huang Dewei replied

'What are you doing?'Huang Dewei asked first time as he breathed out in the fresh air.

'He is one of the police officers who let go of Ru Qin seven years ago. He took the bribe. Feng Zhi found him a few hours ago so we came to talk to him. What are you doing here?' Wang Lei explained as Huang Dewei nodded his head and responded to him

'I find him most suspicious while working on the corruption case. He bought too many art paintings in the past few years which is not possible with his salary.' On Huang Dewei's answer, Wang Lei nodded his head.

'What about his partner? I heard there were two police officers who took the bribe.' Huang Dewei asked curiously regarding the thing he heard in the royal court.

'His partner dead three years ago. he was the only one who was alive and now he is gone.' Wang Lei replied

'Do you think these two things are somehow related?' Huang Dewei asked

'I don't know, but that is something we have to find out.' Wang Lei replied when Feng Zhi came out from the house with blood dripping from his clothes which was probably because he took down the dead body from the ceiling all by himself. Huang Dewei had no idea how they both were reacting so normal after seeing something horrifying...they probably had seen worse than that in their lives...Huang Dewei felt pity for them.

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