Chapter 90| Patch up

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Still need editing:

Huang Dewei was sitting respectfully in front of a man who had the power to change his life for forever. The man in the yellow robe was quietly staring back at Huang Dewei with his brown eyes. He was judging Huang Dewei and Huang Dewei could feel his deep judgemental eyes on him.

'Are you sure about the thing you are asking me to do?' The man asked loudly in his serious tone and Huang Dewei looked up towards him and nodded his head

'Do you understand the dangers of what you are asking for? Centuries ago mortal world and Magic world people decided not to involved each other in their lives. I am the last human who learnt that magic and was asked never to teach or use on any human again. If we use magic then it can bring destruction to human kind from magic witch world. If Enperor wanted to use that magic then he needed to get permission from witch world before he could use their pearl magic.' The old said as he  explained to him the whole history and Huang Dewei stood still because he knew the history and the danger he was getting himself into.

'Does his majesty get the permission from the witch world to use that magic?' The next question was asked in the same tone but this time Huang Dewei responded as he nodded his head in yes

'He got their permission.' Hung Dewei lied thinking that they can sort this out later not understanding consequences of his action of using pearl magic on Wang Dynasty or how witch world is going to react on his action because he was trying blur the boundaries between two completely different world which was not allowed. Every action come with it's consequences.

'Are you sure? Why he did not he announced it to whole nation then. It is such a big decision.' The old man asked

'He want to keep it secret until this miracle can possible happen. He does not want to build whole nation hope up in the sky and then break them.' Huang Dewei lied as he begged the old man sitting in front of him in a calm relaxed composer.

'Just to be sure, you are asking me to perform pearl magic on you so you could carry his highness's child?' The old man asked in a momentous tone as Huang Dewei felt anxious while he nodded his head.

'And that is something his highness had given his permission to happen? He wanted pearl magic to happen to you?' The old man asked in a serious tone and Huang Dewei stressed and nervously looked around as he slowed his head in yes. He was lying and had no idea what the consequences would be of this decision. He sends one of his loyal servants Ling to find out about the person who can do pearl magic and the man he found was this old man. Only Ling knew what Huang Dewei was doing but still not the whole truth. Huang Dewei told him he wanted to just learn about pearl magic not about how he wanted to do for himself.

'Okay, then I will be processed further with it...It is a huge risk his highness is putting you in. Are you sure you want to continue with it?' The old man asked as he warned him about the pearl magic and Huang Dewei nodded.

'Well then, let's get to the rules then. It is a 40-days long process under which your body will get through many changes...painful changes. The changes will include painful physical changes such as fever, vomiting, headaches etc. Emotional and mood changes such as being edgy, overly happy, or depressed and hormonal changes such as high sexual drive. High-risk changes include violent and aggressive behaviour, maybe sadistic behavioural, anger issues, and sleepwalking. These changes will only be temporary and will go away after we finished our process in 40 days. Are you still sure that you want to go through all of that?' The old man said as he told him all the information he needed and Huang Dewei nodded his head.

'And most importantly since you are male you do not have a system to carry the child but with the magic, your stomach will expand making space to carry the child temporarily and for that, you have to take the magic pill continuously without missing a day for forty days. The process will also physically and emotionally drain you. Also, you have to do medical operation to give birth since giving birth in a natural way is not possible for you even with the magic. That will leave scars on your body.' The old man told him in a serious heavy tone and all Huang Dewei did was nod his head. His heart was beating nervously while he felt knots in his stomach but his decision of doing this to him was still there. He was not backing out as it does not matter how hard this whole process was going to be for him. He was ready to take that risk. He was gambling on his life without a care.

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