"Okay, throwing George around that's fine but you can't just throw Graham like that. He's skinny and fragile" Max put her hand on Mr. Torres', slightly telling him to let go.

"Yeah and Graham's just a friend. I'm happy now, okay? I'm dating someone now and I'm happy, okay?" Callie pleaded with her Dad once again, looking at Graham he nodded along with her to agree with everything she said.

"Christ" Graham said as soon at he was let go, straightening his coat before walking away from the older man with Max following after, she figured Callie needed privacy to talk to her Dad but that didn't stop Max from silently praying for Arizona and Callie.

Max almost felt bad for Miranda, having to work with Max was a little tiring but add Arizona Robbins into the mix, well that was just exhausting

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Max almost felt bad for Miranda, having to work with Max was a little tiring but add Arizona Robbins into the mix, well that was just exhausting.

"Meeting Callie's Dad was so not on the agenda for today. I mean, he seems like the kind of man who needs a little preparation before meeting his daughters girlfriend" Arizona laughed a little at the thought of Mr. Torres, "But you should've seen the look on his face when I-"

"Okay, can you stop doing that thing?" Miranda said cutting the young doctor off.

"What thing?" Arizona stopped laughing and asked.

"That 'telling me your business' thing. It's my day off, I'm just here to watch you do the fundoplication" Miranda said honestly, which was a little harsh but Max had gotten used to it already.

"You know what? I checked your schedule, you worked a 90-hour week. You should be at home sleeping or playing with your kid" Arizona turned to look at Miranda fully.

"Okay, you can stop doing that thing, too"

"Miranda, that's not what she meant. It's just that Peds can be tough, having a day for yourself and having a break from all this" Max motioned to the sick kids in the rooms around them, "Plus it can be really hard on a family"

"Not mine" Miranda scoffed at the thought making Max squint her eyes at her, "My husband is very supportive, he is... can't wait for me to start my fellowship"

"You didn't tell him, did you?" Max said matching Miranda's expression.


"Why?" Arizona spoke up and asked.

"Dr. Mallard, it's Jessica. She just had a seizure, she can't breathe" Mr. Smithson stepped out of the room and called out to the doctors.

Max took off her green stethoscope and began making her way to Jessica's room, "She's got Tay-Sachs, we need to get a mask on her"

"Crank it up to 15 liters"

Max looked down at Jessica, stethoscope in hand so she could hear the sound of her lungs, "I'm just gonna put my hand behind your back and help you sit up, okay?" She lifted the little girl slightly, "Good good. You're okay, Sweetie. You're okay, Sweetie. You just need to breathe. Slow, slow" Max watched as Jessica began taking slower breathes, "You're doing amazing, Jessica. Your breathing is getting better"

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