190 - In Your Darkness

Start from the beginning

"You're right. I have nothing. This is the end for me," I conceded, closing my eyes as the darkness consumed me, "Take control over m-"

*"He's wrong!"*

My eyes shot open as the familiar voice reached me for the second time. I wasn't  entirely sure where I'd found myself. The world around me was plunged into shadows and within it I simply floated aimlessly; unable to control my movement in the choking, smothering sea of black. In the distance, a slight shimmer emerged. It began to grow larger... or so I initially thought before the realization struck me. Rather than expand, the light was drawing closer and once it was within range, the voice echoed from its core once again, "It's great to see you again, Xy."

I watched in awe as a beautiful face manifested from the glow followed by the girl's flawless body and the flowing head of her signature green hair.

"Evie..." I barely got out, "but how?"

"No matter where I may be, I'll always be with you. In the inside!" she grinned.

"I... I never thought I'd see you again!" I cried out.

"Don't be silly! You know you can't get rid of annoying old me!" she teased.

"I... I'm so happy," I muttered.

"And that's great. It's great that you can still feel something. That means there's still hope," she said with determination.

"There is no hope. I ruined it. I ruined everything. I killed... everyone. That was all me. I've become a monster," I choked out.

"That isn't true," she shook her head, "Tenebrae took advantage of you in your weakest moments. He corrupted your mind and your heart to steal away your will and your senses. Then he tried to corrupt your soul to take away your emotions and finally make you his. But you said it yourself Xy. You felt. You felt joy. You are still here Xy, and even if you don't know it... you are still fighting. Tenebrae is still trying to seize your soul, but you can wrench it back from him! Fight Xy! Fight for the future! Release the things holding you down. Let go of me Xy... and fight for our friends! Believe in hope! Believe in your destiny!Release your shackles!"

"Evelynn..." I called her name waving my arms inthe emptiness to move myself closer to her.

*"DON'T!!!"* Tenebrae demanded. Tendrils of Darkness shot up from the abyss far below and wrapped themselves around me. Quickly the began to tug and their tremendous force combined to drag me away from my sister.

"Come to me Xy! Sometimes things may seem tragic and terrible but sometimes that is just how things were meant to be! In those situations, none of it is anyone's fault! Not his, not hers, not mine and not yours! Rise Xy! Rise above your obstacles! No one can hold you down!" Evie yelled.

I dug my fingers deep into to ocean of black, preventing myself from sinking further. Slowly I began to claw my way back upwards, slightly overpowering my restraints.

"They're waiting for you Xy! Everyone is waiting for you to come back! You're the only one who can do this! Only you can set things right!" Evie continued.

I dragged myself within arm's reach of her and painfully raised my hand towards her. Tenebrae wasn't  just about to let this go so easily however. Two dozen more of his ropes wrapped themselves around my neck, arms, legs and waist before yanking me further back from her. I sunk my feet into the Dark cloud surrounding me, bringing me to a halt yet again.

"Reach out to me Xy! I promised that I would always be there for you in your worst times! You can trust me Xy! I will always find you in your darkness!" she reached out.

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