87 - Report! Attack on Fenix City! / 88 - Evelynn's Suspicious Moves

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Chapter 87 - Report! Attack on Fenix City!

Nero - POV;

*"Investigations are still ongoing into the mysterious mess and destruction left in the slums on the outskirts of Fenix City two weeks ago. Police say that the region was untouched up until their patrol in the area the evening before and by the next morning, it was all left in shambles. For such large scale destruction to occur merely overnight is inconceivable. Some eyewitness reports claim to have heard loud explosions and seen bright flashes from the direction of the incident but thought little of it as it was not too uncommon for pranksters and mischief makers to light fireworks in the abandoned area on occasion to disrupt otherwise peaceful nights. Speculation that this was some calculated, team terrorist attack has been widely accepted as it justifies the scope of the damage as well as its sudden nature. However, with the discovery of the presence of numerous hell hound and demon dog corpses as well as the remains of a Legendary Beast, Fenrir, on the scene of the crime, a number of conspiracy theorists have surmised the possibility of a battle between demons having occured outside of Fenix City and have even gone so far as to claim that the incident may herald the first attack on Earth in decades by forces from the underworld. This has sent some of the population into a panic as if this were to come to fruition, the result could be disastrous. As some of our viwers may know the last attack from Hell was led by one proud Demon King, Galdreus Amaterasu, some forty years ago. With an army if his warriors, he raided the Earth and demolished great nations and countries before any stance was made against him. It was Seraphim Zephyr the Third whom finally stood against the Demon King as the youngest Regulus of the Zephyr Clan and after a brutal war which lasted for weeks, he took the head of Galdreus, forcing the invading armies to cease their assault. At the time, Seraphim Zephyr the Third had been in his prime and was applauded as one of the strongest warriors to appear on this Earth however with the passage of time, the Patriarch of Zephyr has grown weaker and though he is no weakling even in his old age, he is only a shell of his former self. If we were to face another attack on this scale, it is unlikely that the hero of old can stand against it again. To top it off, Seraphim had the aid of not only his own clan but Fenix, Neptulus and Astra as well and the four clans formed the backbone of the army which repelled the Demon King's forces. With the current situation and the ruse in political tensions between the Elemental Clans, many have stated it to be unlikely that they would unite as they once did. This has understandably boosted the worry and unease in the minds of the population. The police have gone on record to state that this is no real indication of any impending threat from hell but they refused to give any concrete statements on what they believe could have transpired, especially considering the bodies found which belong to species all of which are not found anywhere close to this region. As future developments occur on this matter we will be sure to further update you on the situation right here on TV Elemental News."*

"Are you still thinking about this nonsense?" Lilac grumbled as she turned of the television before sitting down on my lap and leaning in to kiss me.

"How could I not?" I asked as she released the grasp on my lips, "If any normal man had witnessed what I did on that night, they would have been traumatised if they didn't go insane. I didn't just watch something impossible right in front of my eyes.... no, it was as if I lived it. It was a moment but that feeling felt as if it lasted for a century. For the first time in years I felt true fear envelop me. It was so great I couldn't move; even my heart seemed to stall. This feeling of oppression and inferiority washed over me. I.... I can't accurately put the overwhelming nature of that encounter into words. The power emanating from that being.... it felt as if it could physically choke and crush me. I felt helpless and for a moment I worried even for my own life, a feeling I'd never experienced.... I thought I would go mad. I really did.... and for a brief moment before it's final strike, I know I saw it.... that beast... it took on a humanoid form before rending it's foe a brutal death."

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