166 - Determined

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Dagan Zephyr - POV;

I stood on the edge of the hill, overlooking much of Zephyr City some distance away.

"Ring! Ring! Ring!"

It truly was beautiful; this home of ours. Like a precious gem it shimmered in the bleak, ominous darkness of the night, standing as the beacon to illuminate a world of negativity with its optimism.

"Ring! Ring! Ring!"

"Ring! Ring! Ring!"

I inhaled deeply, cherishing the sweet scent of the maple trees which often wafted across Zephyr's Residential District, adding to its peaceful atmosphere. I knew that this may very well have been one of the last times I'd get the opportunity to do so for a long time.

"Dagan, everyone is set. Are you ready to move out?" Alva asked as she appeared behind me.

"Yes, of course. We need to make distance before the Regulus and the clan's higher-ups catch on. The quicker we're on our way, the better," I muttered.

"Ring! Ring! Ring!"

"Ring! Ring! Ring!"

"Aren't you going to take that?" Alva questioned, motioning to the cellphibe in my palm.

I glanced down at the screen to see 'Mom' written boldly across it as I mumbled, "No. I don't think I will."

We marched to the valley on the opposite end where Fira, Rydia, Storm and Satella awaited my arrival eagerly. They all faced me alert and at attention, anticipating my next words.

I looked at each of them individually before saying, "You all know that no good may end up coming from this. We don't know Xyder's allegiance any longer. We may very well be walking to our deaths. Knowing this, would you still wish to go on this mission with me?"

They looked at each other and with affirmative nods they turned to me and began to speak. However, before they could say a word, I cut them off, "I know what you're all about to say. Of course you will go. You want to save them. Now drop the nonsense and cut to the chase. If we have any chance of doing this we need to know where each of our minds are truly. I'm willing to share the darkest of my thoughts with you all for the sake of this team. The truth is that while I really wish we can get our friends all back to us, I'd be content in letting the rest of them go if that's the only way I can be certain I can save Jacqueline. I will admit though that a part of me wants to save Celes as well, though it's certainly not as large a priority and you can be sure that I want to knock the hell out of Xyder for a reason as to why he would betray us after I and all of us put so much faith in him. Now, the question is can all of you come clean as well? Or will you hold the truth to yourselves and walk away? You don't have to do this. I won't fault you."

They all grew silent as they thought deeply about everything I'd said. It seemed that speaking their hearts really may have been a difficult thing to do and I thought for a moment that I may have ended up on this journey alone.

That was until Storm stepped forward and declared, "Xyder has been one of my best friends and a sworn brother of mine for as long as I could remember. We've put each other back on the right path countless times often butting heads to do so. Even if it means fighting against him, I will make him see the right path once more. Then there's no hiding the love that Winter and I have for each other. Every day since the tragedy, I've writhed in agony and anxiety as I've worried over her safety and mulled over our forced separation. Even though I've grown to be friends with all of you, the Epitomes of Zephyr, the fact is that before a few months ago we were strangers. For years we were nothing to all of you and some of you even looked down on us as you spat over our identities. I'm bringing Xyder and Winter back safely. The rest are a bonus, welcome but optional."

"When my sister died, I made a vow to always be there for Xyder when he needed me most. I swore that I'd keep him safe. I've continued to falter ever since and that day I completely blew it. I will protect Xyder and bring him home. I allowed us to lose Evelynn... I won't let the same happen with Xyder. If I did, I could never face my sister and brother-in-law again, not in this world or the next," Alva whispered.

"Like Storm, Xyder was all we'd ever known as a friend. So many shunned us for one reason or another and this only intensified after he was cast down by the Regulus. As much as I've come to like all of you, with the exception of Alva and Evelynn, none of you ever helped nor cared. Of course I hope everyone can be helped but Xyder is first in my mind. He is my entire world. I won't let anyone hurt him; not you Dagan, not Regulus Seraphim, not the Zephyr Clan... not even the World Heirarchy itself," Satella answered, building up the courage to do so.

"Everyone worked together to save us when we were kidnapped. In many ways, you could say we owe you all for that and we'll do everything we can to help them from their shackles so we can be even once more," Rydia started.

"Not only that, Blaze has alot to answer for after all of the shit they put us through. There's no way I'm satisfied seeing them essentially win after all we've overcome. I won't rest until I see them all suffer and be driven into the ground and Xyder may very well be the first steps to achieving that," Fira finished.

"I see. So we each have our own goals, albeit they all intersect at some point. Now that we have a firm understanding of each other, we can finally start working on becoming a team. If we're going to do this, it's now or never," I announced.

My eyes fell onto the screen of my smartphone one more time as it came alive with the arrival of a new message: 'I won't stop you if this is what you want to do Dagan but just promise me that you'll come home safe. Save your sister. Be strog and victorious my precious son.'

I read the heartfelt message from my mother in my mind before turning to the others once more. A newfound sense of duty and mission burned brightly within them all and I could see this clearly. I tipped my head in acknowledgement before marching past them and motioning for them to follow.

With myself at the lead and the others walking briskly and with determination at my sides, I muttered seriously, "Let's go find those fools."

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