80 - 10000 Leagues Beneath /81-Roar of the Kraken /82-We Will Stand Against You

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Chapter 80 - 10000 Leagues Beneath

Xyder Zephyr - POV;

"Where were you guys?! You barely made it!" Sorine shouted as Evelynn and I came running to them.

"Where.... Where's Team Z?" I panted.

"They're here... b- but you can't meet them. The teams have um- been separated again," Crystal stuttered.

"Damn it," I cursed under my breath.

"You didn't answer my question!" Sorine shouted angrily.

"Really, where were you two?" Satella questioned.

"At the hospital. Crystal, we need to speak to them now! Where are they?" Evie demanded.

"There's no time," Jacqueline yawned just as the announcer began to speak.

"All contestants, please enter the vehicles along with your assigned official to be transported over to the location of competition."

"Damn it," I cursed once again.

"Let's go you irresponsible shits. We'll explain the match to you on the way there," Sorine muttered as she walked away.

Everyone followed but I was stopped by Satella who whispered, "Is everything okay? Evelynn said you were at the hospital."

"We were. I thought I was pregnant," Evelynn whispered into Satella's ear causing the girl to jump.


"Yeah. We thought it was Xy's but the doctors said I wasn't in the first place," she explained.

"Oh. Thank God. Wait...... Why'd you think it was Xyder's baby?! Evelynn!" Satella screamed after growing pale.

"Oh come on, she was obviously lying. I wouldn't lay on hand on my sister, you idiot," I teasingly mocked my childhood friend as we entered the vehicle, "My injuries just started acting up. I really should have taken it easy after the last match."

Before long we were well on our way but I could tell that everyone's glares fell upon us, especially Sorine's.

"So? What's the jig this time?" I inquired.

"Diving," Sorine answered coldly.

"Um... I'll explain it," Crystal spoke up, sensing the tense atmosphere, "The location today is an enclosed region of the ocean that has been separated from the rest of the sea by huge, temporary walls. You will be dropped off on a specified platform designated to your team, though you should note that there are more platforms, one per team. Inside, placed along the bottom are two hundred gems of Yin and Yang. Teams will be given points based on the number of gems they return with. Each gem is one point and for each pair of gems, Yin and Yang, an extra point will be awarded. You have one hour to gather them after which, only the gems which have been brought from the sea floor to the marked chest on your platform will be counted."

"So that's the kind of game today is. I must say that it's far less punishing and difficult than the first," Evie noted.

"Um, I should mention that a number of aquatic beasts have been added to the enclosed space on top of the creatures whom were already there. Sharks, rays and more should be expected," Crystal continued, "In addition, you will only be provided with a single deep diving suit."

"Meaning that only one of us can go all the way down at a time," I thought aloud.

"And the rest would be restricted to work closer to the surface," Evie finished.

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