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"How is he now?"

A soft murmur of voices gently stirred me from my deep sleep. I hadn't dreamed at all which was nothing short of a miracle.

"He's been asleep for a while now. I'm afraid to move him in case I hurt his leg, or he wakes up. He looked tired today and getting sick probably didn't help his energy levels either."

I identified the second voice as Fletcher. It was so calm and even. I loved it.

"Does Mr. Edward know yet?" The first voice came back.

"No. He's been busy in his office, so unless June managed to sneak past me, nobody has had the chance."

"Do you think he'll be upset?"

"No. He isn't doing it on purpose. He tried the ginger, and I could tell he did his best to please Mr. Edward. Besides, it's his first day."

"True. Well... hopefully, he'll be able to eat some supper."

"Maybe. I don't think we should push too hard. He seems to be a more severe case than Robbie or Sal. I'm sure if we move a little at a time he'll do better. Maybe start with breakfast, and then let him snack at lunch and dinner at first. Then we'll gradually add the other meals. After that, we can work on his portion sizes. I mean, he's practically a living skeleton at this point."

"I suppose you would know best."

Fletcher snickered quietly. I whined a little, turning my face as I sniffed into his shirt. His hand rubbed in a soothing circle across my shoulder blades in response.

"Wren, are you ready to get up? It's nearly six now."

I cuddled into him, enjoying the warmth I was completely encased in. I was always freezing unless I was under a thousand blankets, by a fire or just had a nightmare. Or, apparently was laying on top of someone else.

I jerked up as the last thought finally kicked my brain into gear. I scrambled back in a blind panic as my face heated up with mortification. That was highly inappropriate and impolite! Not only had he witnessed me upchucking two meals and my stomach acid, but I had the audacity to fall asleep on him!

"Looks like you're awake!" Fletcher chuckled.

His face was calm and serene. Maybe he was the kind with quiet rage then?

"I'm going to go eat, won't you join me?" Fletcher wheedled.

He rose to his feet extending his hand toward me to reinforce his request. I took his hand, grimacing as my leg protested. Soon enough we were headed for the dining room.

For once, I was not the last one to the table. Both Orion and Mr. Price were absent so we all stood quietly behind our seats. My leg was a bit stiff so I rested one hand on the back of my chair, but the other was safely tucked behind me.

Mr. Price and Orion took up their places and soon we were all seated. For the first time, I was allowed to dish up my own food. I ignored the fish completely, but I took a bit of everything else, looking to Mr. Price for approval when a small amount of everything occupied my plate.

"How did your tutoring session go?" Mr. Price asked no one directly, leaving it to whoever wanted to answer.

"It went well," LaSalle replied with a little smile. "Orion didn't make a single mistake either! We were all very proud."

Orion blushed red with embarrassment, but I could tell he liked the praise because he had a smile on his face.

"Very good, Rian," Mr. Price acknowledged. "I'm glad to hear of your progress. I know German is not easy for you, but seeing you working hard at something is very rewarding."

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