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I felt so cold, not a physical kind, but the icy feeling that detached your soul from your body. It felt like I was too numb to process thought or emotion. Words glided off of me like oil on water.

Mr. Price had decided to hold a meeting in the music room where everyone could sit comfortably while he explained the situation. Most of the boys were curious as to the events of the night, but I could tell Branson caught wind that something serious had happened by the pensive set to his jaw, and his insistence that I sit in his lap.

Cedar had wrapped me in his sweater, and brought a blanket, but I couldn't help but snuggle deeper into Branson's chest, liking his body heat. One of his hands came up to my head, gently stroking my curls, and every so often he'd drop a kiss on the top of my head, or rub my freezing hands with his own.

"There was a trespasser tonight, as you are all aware," Mr. Price began, keeping his facial expression calm and neutral. "What you are not aware of, is the fact that he knows Wren."

Surprised gasps and murmurs flooded the room, and I felt several hands pat my thigh or foot, in an effort to connect with me. I wanted to listen, but the words seemed distant and odd, like a jumbled sentence that made no sense to me.

"Wren didn't jump off his balcony, he was pushed," Mr. Price announced, causing the lads to frown and glance at me in shock. "And the trespasser tonight is the one who did it. He also gave Wren a death threat this evening. I tell you all this so we are all prepared for whatever happens next, not distress or worry you.

"In the morning, I will meet with the constable and inform him of my concerns. In the meantime, I would like certain precautions to be put in place.

"This man is obviously dangerous, and I am not willing to put any of you at risk. So, from now on, I want everyone in pairs as an extra layer of protection. None of you should confront him, especially alone. If anything strange is found or seen, report it to me immediately.

"I will hire some guards until the matter is resolved, but the utmost caution is to be used, am I understood?" Mr. Price concluded.

"Wait...so...Wren didn't jump? Someone tried to hurt him?" Robin shook his head, eyes wide. "But why would they want to cause him harm?"

I swallowed harshly, burying my head in Branson's neck, trying to get my body to stop shaking. Flashes of the incident kept playing before my eyes. I gripped Branson's shirt in my hands, trying to focus on something else, but it didn't help at all.

"I'm taking Wren to bed with me," Branson suddenly declared, rising to his feet with little effort.

I didn't want to see anyone's face, afraid they would pity me, or worse, hate me for bringing such danger to their doorstep. My worst fear was that one of them would get hurt or worse in an effort to keep me safe.

"I will keep you safe," Branson promised, his hold on me tightening reassuringly.

Branson matched Mr. Price's height at six feet and three inches, which meant he positively towered over me. But Branson had a more slender build with narrow hips and slight shoulders. And yet, that same sense of security I felt with Mr. Price, exuded from Branson too.

He gently set me on the bed, taking care not to hurt me, and then unwinding the other blanket from me, leaving me in Cedar's sweater. With a soft look, he climbed in right beside me, guiding my head to his chest, and pulling the covers up to my chin. His strong arms wrapped around me, reminding me that he would protect me.

"I love you, my sweet," Branson whispered. "Now sleep."

I liked the tranquil feeling that settled over me, but I knew I wouldn't fall asleep so easily. I had slept the night before, and therefore would not sleep that night if I could help myself. I did not want any nightmares to torment me, especially after seeing him once more.

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