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It was in the midst of our morning lessons, scarce more than four days later, that it happened. Eddie insisted on returning to our studies, citing that education was important, and that it was unethical for him to take funding from our guardians or parents if he was going to neglect us in any way.

The door opened, and Fletcher's worried face peeked inside. He had taken on the duties of looking after Cedar as he recovered, so everyone immediately grew concerned to see him when he usually would be with Cee-Cee.

"Mr. Eddie, something has occured that needs your immediate attention," Fletcher announced.

All was quiet for the space of twenty minutes, in which time June took control of the class, keeping us focused and immersed in our studies.

Footsteps and voices echoed down the corridor. My brows furrowed, trying to place the tones, knowing I had heard them before. It wasn't until the door was flung wide open that everything fell into place. My skin instantly went clammy, my throat dried up, my fingers shook.

"Madam, please, I beg of you - " Eddie tried to mediate the situation.

"Oh, you can beg all you want! Wren is coming home with me. Right this instant, in fact!"

Her sharp eyes locked on me in seconds. I felt myself shrink inside, feeling smaller by the moment. I wanted to look away, but I couldn't move my eyes from her face.

Shock registered on every single face bar mine and my Aunt's. She was an austere and intimidating person, using force and station to bully her way into anything that she wanted. I knew that this was a losing battle.

"You must consider - " Mr. Price tried to pacify her.

"This place is not safe. This is my nephew, sir, and I will not risk his well-being after the events that you are responsible for!" My aunt seemed to have a point, but I knew she would only use this for her own advantage.

How, I did not yet know. But it was a fact I had grown accustomed to much to early in life. She had used my tragedy as her own, passing herself off as a wonderful benefactor even though I had plenty of money, and it was not a charity case.

"Wren, go pack your things, I wish to leave as early as possible," Many Aunt demanded, ignoring Eddie completely.

I briefly nodded, not daring to look at anyone lest I break out into unmanly tears. I did not dare let my Aunt see how badly this would effect me, since she was not kind in the least. She had only sent me here since she felt embarrassed that I had thrown myself from a balcony - which was not entirely my fault. Now, at the earliest opportunity, she was stealing me away again.

What little safety I had was being stripped from me. I knew the end of such a tale would end with me in a coffin. Not that it would matter much anyway...

My heart was already shattering at the thought of leaving. I depended on my lovers for emotional stability since I seemed to have very little of my own. June was steadying, he made it seem like there was a moment to just breathe, even in the middle of a crisis. Even if everything was crumbling around me, I knew his hand would always be offered. Robin was affectionate and sweet, cuddling me until I forgot anything but his strawberry flavored lips and his gentle touch. Sal always had something good to sip or nibble on, and his advice was always dependable. Fletcher was that fresh perspective, the calming force that I could sink into when I was overwhelmed. He was a silent comforter, often just holding me, or distracting me with some tidbit. Cedar was pure passion, whether it was protecting me from deadly assassins or loving me until I couldn't remember my own name, he always swept me into his own vortex, making me forget mine. Branson was my defender. Whether it was from words, like Trix, or from more dangerous enemies, I knew he would do his best to shield me. He even did so when I couldn't handle myself! He made me feel safe in his arms.

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