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"I don't want to make you uncomfortable, Wren," Mr. Price began, steepling his fingers together as he rested his arms on his desk. "I just wanted to make sure that you have everything you need. Is there anything that we can do to reduce your anxiety? Is there something you need to do for your leg? Are your chambers acceptable or do we need to make changes?"

No, my bedroom is quite nice, thank you.

I'm sure my Uncle alluded to an old injury at some point. My leg was badly hurt in an accident when I was young. I've seen many doctors and physicians since then and none of them were able to help me. The muscles were severely damaged, and no matter how much I try that won't change. In fact, if I over exert it the next day leaves me unable to get out of bed. So, no, sadly there is nothing you can do for my leg.

As for the anxiety...I don't handle touch very well. I'm sure when I get used to you all it won't be as bad, but for now it's a bit disconcerting.

"I noticed you didn't touch the meat yesterday night or this morning. Is there a problem with it, or were you just not hungry?"

It makes me sick to eat any animals. My Aunt sometimes tried to make me, but it made me violently ill.

"I'll keep that in mind for the future. Thank you for being honest. I know it's probably jarring for you to suddenly be in a strange place with new people and rules. I understand if you don't trust us yet, but I just want you to know that I am here to listen to your problems, and to help you any way that I can.

"Before you go, I wanted to ask you what instrument you played so I can provide it and so I can find a tutor if it's needed."

I play the violin, harp and piano. The violin is my favorite so I would prefer to get a tutor for that first. I already have a violin, and my Uncle provided money to get a new harp and piano in case you didn't have one so you don't have to worry about that.

"I see! That is quite impressive! I do have a piano, but I don't have a harp. I do know a great craftsman who can make one for you though. Do you mind playing for people or do you prefer to keep it to yourself? I only ask because I may need to swap some rooms around so I'd like to know what you would like best."

I couldn't help but bite my lip. It had been so long since someone wanted to do something from me. Did he expect me to do something in return? Was this a ploy to get me to trust him only to break me later?

I am fine with playing the piano for others, but I'm not very good at the other two instruments yet.

"I'll try to give you a space that's easily accessible to you but that is also more private then. Thank you for all your help. Now, if you ever have questions or feel the need to talk I will always have time for you. And as much as I have enjoyed this little chat, it is time for school.

I noticed it was ten til eight, so we'd been talking for nearly twenty minutes. Writing took more time than I thought.

I followed Mr. Price into the hall once more and into the third room. It was across from the library, and I had no clue what was waiting for me.

There were chairs set out for all of us with a little desk attached to it. At one end of the room plants, rocks, and other curiosities were placed neatly in jars, frames, or other organized boxes. On the opposite side was a huge desk with books, papers and other odds and ends overflowing the surface. A blackboard and some chalk were behind the desk as well. One wall was simply glass paneling which lit the room up in sunshine. The other had bookcases, a globe, and a table with a microscope on it.

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