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I curled up in Branson's lap, breathing against his neck. His arms cocooned me from the world, blocking out all the horrors and allowing me a safe place to calm down. My eyes ached from crying and from exhaustion, and his warmth lulled me into a hazy state. I was awake, and yet, my mind was quiet, and my body was lax.

"Is he asleep?" June asked, resting a hand on back.

"No. I can tell because he keeps squeezing me and then loosening his hold," Branson sighed. "He just needs some time to feel, I think."

June didn't say anything more, he just rubbed my back before stepping away. I was tired, but I couldn't let go enough to actually let myself drift. Anytime I was almost there, my body would jerk itself awake, traumatized by the action.

Branson stood up, cradling me as he did so. I loved the rocking motion as he ambled down the corridor, and then to Eddie's room, where I had been resting since mine was a horror show. I couldn't even look at the room without being sick to my stomach.

Branson laid me on the mattress, taking off his vest and kicking his shoes away. His hair was messy as well, and he quickly twisted it into a tidy little bun so it wasn't in the way. Then he moved me so I would be under the coverlet, and crawled in beside me.

"You have to sleep, Wren," Branson sweetly coaxed me, staring at me as if I were a delicate rose in the midst of a tempest.

I knew I did. But it terrified me. What if Branson was killed next? I mean...everyone was on guard, but the man in black was a master at slipping in and out of places he wasn't supposed to be. Then there was the issue of his rapier, which he used in a professional capacity.

"I'm scared."

The words were soft, but they cracked through the space between us like thunder. Branson's face darkened, eyes glinting in a shadow I could only describe as wild. His lips trembled with passion or fury, which I could not tell.

"Love," Branson murmured, voice measured, yet heavy with emotions he would never speak of. "I will not say you have nothing to fear. That would be beyond foolish. But I offer you the safety of my embrace in this moment. I will care for you, protect you, and love you as long as the sun rises from the east."

My heart ached at his words, at the sincerity with which he spoke. If my body was not so exhausted, I would have broken into more tears, but as it were, I could not do more than press my hand to his cheek and gaze into his eyes.

"I love you, Wren."

Robin pushed the door open, causing me to scream, and clutch Branson. My blood was rushing through my veins, and panic shrouded me in a pervasive mist for several heart stopping moments. But Robin's blue eyes and shocked, frozen body finally registered in my mind, calming me enough to recognize I was in no danger.

"Sorry!" Robin squeaked, timidly looking at me in dismay.

"It's fine, little bird," Branson assured him.

Robin didn't ask for permission, but I found I was grateful for his affectionate touches as he joined us. Soon, I was sleepy enough to let my eyelashes flutter shut, cocooned in warmth and lulled to sleep by the soft murmurs Branson and Robin exchanged.


I blinked awake, not quite sure when I fell asleep. I had fallen asleep with Branson and Robin, but sometime during my nap the others had joined us too. The bed was enormous, and June, Fletcher, and Sal were quite comfortable, or so it seemed. Mr. Eddie was absent, and Cedar of course, was resting in the other room. Still, it felt nice to be together all at once.

Robin looked sweet in his sleep, curls plastered to his forehead, and hands cushioning his cheek like a child. His mouth was slightly open and his warm breath puffed against my shirt in rhythm. I smiled as I brushed his cheek with slender fingertips.

He sighed, sinking against my chest as though I were light and feathery. His arm jostled, pulling free of the quilt, and flinging itself across me, squeezing me tight against his body.

I sighed, thinking about him. He wasn't much bigger than me, and he was only a year my junior. He was sharp and witty, and yet he was clingy and emotional. June had confided to me that he sometimes regressed to the mentality of a child, which made him feel safer after stress inducing scenarios. June said it was quite embarrassing to Robin, but Mr. Eddie was not against it since it calmed him and kept him in a cheerful state. Sometimes Robin couldn't control it though, and so June or Branson had to whisk him away to get some privacy.

I wondered how it worked, and why Robin was the way he was. I knew he and June were cousins, and I knew that they depended on each other for many things, but I didn't quite know their backgrounds. Well...other than the fact that Robin was caught rolling in the hay with a stable boy.

Apparently the institute was Robin's sanctuary. Anywhere else he would've been ill treated or smitten for loving another man. I didn't understand why it was so wrong. Love came in many forms, familial, platonic, and romantic alike. Love was intricate, beautiful, and rare. Why then must some people deny themselves of the very thing everyone else searched for, just because society dictated it?

I wouldn't do it. I found them, and they were worth keeping.

Sal stared at me, eyes growing bright as I smiled at him. His teeth were bright and straight, I noticed. Sal was like the mother of the house in a lot of ways. He always was bringing us tea and food, and he always gave warm, soft hugs. He was concerned about everyone and he always seemed to be so understanding and sympathetic...

"What are you thinking about?" Sal whispered, shifting to lay his head on Branson's chest so he could see me better.

"You," I mumbled, shyly.

Sal flushed pink, a challenging spark igniting in his pretty blue eyes.

"Aw. Well, I happen to know all of us daydream about you quite often as well!" Sal cooed, pinching one of my cheeks.

I grinned, deciding to just enjoy the moment. Life was scary, but I would miss the important bits if I was scared of my own shadow. If I just stayed close to my boys...hopefully nothing else would happen.

"I love you, Wren," Sal sighed, eyes fluttering shut again as tiredness seeped into his body.

"Love you," I weakly responded, wincing as my throat ached.

It wasn't used to working so much. But...truth be told, I was tired of being quiet. Of the silence robbing me of sweet smiles and tender touches, of connecting me more fully with the men I had fallen for more swiftly than I could have prepared myself for. No, they deserved more.

I wanted to give them my thoughts. I wanted them to understand me in ways nobody else had ever been able to. I wanted to let them know that they were worth the effort and the pain.

Maybe Mr. Price was right. Maybe the pain and the suffering was what I needed in order to see what I had. To be able to treasure as deeply. To be able to cherish the feelings we all shared with each other.

1,288 Words.

Surprise...I am a whole day early.

But! I am still updating tomorrow too!

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