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Something bounced on the bed, making me fly upward. My eyes snapped open, only to come nose to nose with a mischievous looking Robin. My eyebrows rose as he descended upon my lips, nipping at them.

"Good morning!" Robin cheered happily. "Ju-Ju said we can go down to the beach today. And Sal promised to make a picnic! Aren't you so excited?"

I smiled softly, realizing he was reverting to his more child like self. I should've known right away since he was wearing his hair down with a little jeweled comb in it. He liked pretty things when he got this way, and I had to admit it made him even more adorable than he already was. June had put him in loose clothes that would be alright to soil or ruin if Robin got a bit rambunctious.

"Robin...?" Fletcher sleepily yawned, pulling me tighter to his chest and burying his face in my back.

"Fletcher! Will you help me make boats to sail on the waves?" Robin hopefully requested, moving forward so he could see over my shoulder.

"Robbie," June sternly reproved him. "I told you not to wake them!"

"But I missed my birdie, and the sun is up!" Robin protested, possesively snatching my hand.

"I know you love Wren," June stated. "But you know he was hurt and sick, and he needs sleep. That was not a nice thing to do. I need you to apologize to him, please."

Robin turned toward me, flushing at the reprimand, and looking rather pitiful with his tearful eyes and pouty lips. I truthfully wasn't upset, and I had slept very well for the first time in days. I knew June was trying to set some boundaries for Robin for the next time though, so I decided to support June.

"I didn't mean to be bad, Birdie. Will you forgive Robbie?" Robin peered down at me worriedly.

"Of course, I will. You made a mistake, but everyone does sometimes. Just remember this the next time June tells you something, alright?" I assured him, giving him the kiss he presented his lips for.

June met my gaze, smiling gratefully at me. He stepped further into the room, scooping Robin up into his arms and onto his hip.

"Sal is finishing up breakfast if you want it while it's warm," June informed us. "And if you didn't know already, we're planning a picnic on the beach."

Fletcher finally sat up, revealing a few love bites and his swollen lips. Robbie narrowed his eyes, but when Fletcher blew him a kiss, he settled down again.

"We'll be down soon," Fletcher said, shoving the sheets down.


Breakfast was a calm, cheery affair, and everyone seemed relaxed and comfortable. Everyone seemed to have had a good night of sleep, and plenty of ideas on how to spend the day. Cedar wanted to paint the ocean, Robbie of course wanted to build sand castles, sail boats on the waves, and collect shells, Eddie wanted to read a book, and Branson surprised me by wanting to fish off of the pier.

It took us about an hour to gather everything we would need. The picnic, drink pitchers, books, games, Cedar's art supplies, Robin's building materials, Branson's fishing equipment, and of course, some sheets and cushions were all loaded up and taken down the hill to the sand dunes.

The seashore was jagged and rocky, but it looked striking. The ocean was sea green, fading into an azure blue toward the horizon, but the contrast between the water and the nearly black rocks was mesmerizing. The air was warm with a cool breeze, and the water was absolutely frigid.

We settled in, taking the time to simply enjoy our surroundings and the fact that we didn't have to do anything at all if we didn't want to. Eddie set us in the shade of some rocks and a scraggly tree, and then began his book.

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