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I managed to hide the receipts in a box with a false bottom, and send it to Mr. Eddie the very next day when the post was due. And then all I could do was sit and wait. I didn't know if it would be enough or not, but I was hopeful that it would at least get the attention of the magistrate.

I had seen hide nor hair of the man in black, which was to be expected, but I still didn't know what to think about his actions. And I didn't know if he would go through with his end of the deal or not during the ball.

I kept to myself mostly, since the house was in a hustle getting ready for the ball. Apparently Annette wanted it out on the terrace, so there was a lot of preparation. There were dresses to be made for the girls, flower arrangements to be gotten, food to prepare, and the grounds to be tended to. Then there was the inside of the house to do as well, since some people would rather be indoors, and there must be an alternative if the weather betrayed us.

But that meant that I could read in peace, or escape to my room and read my letters or write one to my loved ones. Richard was run almost off his feet and didn't have a spare moment, giving me the time I needed to recover a little.


"There you are, young master!" Maria smiled, straightening my tie with a motherly air. "Now, I'll be close by should you need to retire early, but your aunt would like you to stay until the announcement."

I nodded, finding it hard to swallow. That was when the man in black was supposed to poison me or finish me off somehow. He had tried to hurt me so many times that I had no illusions as to his success.

As usual, I sat off to the side, swarmed by the lonely widows or mothers who had nothing better to do than to pity me or gossip. I simply sat there, observing how everyone enjoyed themselves, and inwardly wilted away. I wished for wholesome and stimulating conversation, but all I was showered with was superficial tidbits that had no bearing on anything.

It was half past nine when a small stir towards one end of the ballroom began to gain traction. It was hard to tell what was happening since there was a swarm of people, but the whispers and murmurs were growing in volume, and I was growing uneasy.

And then out of the flurry, none other than my Aunt Matilda came marching out. Her face was red in indignation, her arms gathering her dress as she made powerful strides down the middle of the dance floor. Her hair was bouncing down her back, half of it spilling out of the towering up do she had twirled it into.

"Madam, you must come at once," The inspector stated, following her doggedly.

"I shall do no such thing!" Aunt Matilda responded, obviously flustered. "I have done nothing wrong, and you obviously have no idea who I am!"

"Ma'am, the law is quite clear. We have eye witness accounts, statements, and evidence. Now, I can hand you over to the magistrate like the gentlewoman you are, or I can drag you in like a common woman who has not paid her debts. It is your choice whether to choose dignity or foolishness."

Those words stung her to the quick, for she spun around so fast I was afraid her bodice would pop open at the seams. Her eyes flashed as her rage filled every line of her face.

"Fine, I will accompany you. But I will have you know that your place will promptly be removed from the force when this mix-up has been taken care of. I will not have my reputation besmirched, and I will not abide such indiscreet behavior from someone like you!" Aunt Matilda imperiously declared.

She was escorted out of the room by the officer, leaving all the rest of the guests to speculate and gossip what it was all about. Annette had dissolved into hysterics, and Celia was trying to get people to leave, but it was chaos.

I was both shocked and relieved in equal measure. I was nervous, because there was still a good chance that my Aunt would manage to wiggle free. But I also trusted Mr. Eddie not to move until he was absolutely sure he could win in this type of game. He knew the consequences should she win, and they would not be favorable toward either of us.

Just as I was calming myself, Richard approached, a dark, calculating look in his eye. Something about him seemed unhinged, wild. It scared me. He was generally calm and methodical, covering his tracks and making sure nobody discovered his deviant activities. But now, it seemed he hardly cared.

"Come with me!" He hissed, hauling me up and half carrying, half dragging me out of the room and down the hall.

He slammed the library door shut, turning the key to make sure our privacy was complete, then he rounded on me, shoving me down into a chair. His eyes glowed with dark emotions: desire, wrath, bitterness. I shrunk beneath that gaze, feeling insignificant and weak beneath it.

"You did this!" He accused me. "I don't know how, but this is your doing! We will lose everything because of you! How could you? Everything was perfect! Annette's future was secured, I had the freedom to do as I pleased, and Celia was going to be the belle of next season! And now...now we will have nothing! Our reputation will be dragged through the mud. Annette will no longer be a sought after woman, and our money will be worthless.

"But I know what I will do. Before my name means nothing, I will run away to somewhere nobody will know us. I will have my way with you, and nobody will stop us. I will make you bow beneath me. I will make you understand your station and who you belong to. You will be caged, my little birdie, and you will wish for death before I give it to you."

His words chilled me to the bone, dread sinking heavily into my heart. I still held hope that Mr. Eddie would burst through the doors at any moment and take me away. I had every faith that my boys would rescue me and take me far, far, away.

But they didn't.

It was like a haze. Richard escorted me to my room, packed a bag, and then went to his room and did the same thing. Then he went downstairs and called for the coach. He loaded everything, and then he threw me inside, jeering at me and daring me to try and escape.

I had tried a few times already, but he simply backhanded me, or gripped my wrist so tight the bones ground together. I tried to say something, but my voice had failed me, letting only dismal croaks free from their confines.

And then, somehow, we were off in the dark night, fleeing the home I had always dreaded. I did not know where we were going. I only knew a cruel fate awaited me.

And all I could do was hope that Mr. Eddie found me soon. Before Richard broke me as he promised. Before I begged for death. Before it was too late.

I couldn't give up yet, but my faith and hope was waning. I believed that Eddie and the boys would do everything they could, that they would love me to the very end...

I could never doubt their affections for me, or their loyalty. But I knew that Richard was smart, and I knew they would be at a disadvantage to begin with.

And so, I steeled myself for the horrors that were in store for me. Blood, pain, humiliation...they would be in no short supply.

Richard was evil. And I was, unfortunately, his bitch.

1,357 words.

So, Wren's Aunt is finally in trouble with the law! Do you think she'll get away with it, or do you think the evidence will condemn her?

Do you think Eddie will have contingencies for Richard's actions, or will he be blindsided?

And what do you think will happen to Wren?

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