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I felt...lethargic. Like my energy had been sucked dry, leaving me with heavy limbs and weighted eyelids. I struggled, but eventually managed to open my eyes, moaning as harsh sunlight burned my retinas. The room was mostly dark, but a single sunbeam had slipped through the curtains, falling on my face.

Sweat made the sheets stick to my body like a second skin, and the heat made my head pound. My mouth was dry and my throat burned with thirst, but I couldn't muster the will to make another sound.

Eddie's slumped over figure caught my eye. His hand was resting in mine, grip loosened with his slumber. His usually tidy appearance was usurped by a rumpled blouse, and creased trousers. His suit jacket was lacking, and his tie seemed askew, although I couldn't ascertain since he was obscuring my view in his sleep. Stubble lined his jaw, and deep, dark circles were etched beneath the sweep of his eyelashes. His skin looked pasty, and I wondered what had happened.

I shifted slightly, causing agony to sear through me in awful, heat scorching waves. I clenched my eyes shut, a pained noise slipping past my cracked lips. I felt like I couldn't breathe as the explosion settled into every crevice of my body, making me aware of the agony I had somehow ignored in the moments of my newly awakened cognizance.

Eddie jerked upright, hand tightening around my fingers as his breath caught. My eyes were still closed, and he must've thought I was still asleep since a sob broke through his normally composed shell.

"Oh darling..." He said, gently kissing my hand. "I hate that you feel this pain."

My eyes fluttered open again, astounded to see his beautiful eyes filled with tears. They overflowed as he began to tuck the blankets around me like a caring mother, the droplets raining down as if a physical representation of his compassion.

"Eddie..." I breathed, voice hoarse and scratchy from disuse.

His head whipped to the side, facing me in an instant, eyes wide and lips drawn into a surprised gasp.


And then he was a-flutter, quickly ducking outside the room to fetch the doctor, then back beside me to check my temperature. He kissed my fingers, then my forehead, pausing to help me drink some lavender tea.

The doctor came and checked me over, but it was too much to keep up with. My brain was hazy and my thoughts were thick and muddled. I only knew that Eddie was there - that I was safe.

For twenty minutes I fought to stay awake. I hardly spoke, but I refused to release Eddie's hand, or to look away for more than a few seconds.

For so long I had yearned for him, longed for his presence, his words, his touch. And when it came, I basked in it, reveled in it...treasured it.

"It's alright, Wren. Sleep," Eddie encouraged me.

So I did.


I whimpered, cowering away from the hands that were causing flashes of hot pain to erupt from my left knee. Each brush felt like someone had stabbed a knife into my skin, ripping at the muscles and damaging the bone. It stung, but also ached, and I didn't have the strength to hold back the tears.

My eyes refused to open, but my body was restless and determined to protect itself from pain, writhing away from the merciless hands that were causing the hurt.

"He's burning up," A deep, familiar voice noted, gently brushing my hair away from my face.

"Use a cold compress for his forehead, and then I'll make a tonic for him to drink. See if he'll take any of the water," A business-like voice responded.

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