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Trigger Warning ⚠️⚠️⚠️
Sexual Abuse/Rape

(~) Marks the end of the Trigger Warning

The sound of the door latching lifting caught my ear. I clutched the blankets tightly, afraid of what was coming. The familiar silhouette of Richard's body stood in the doorway, and I swallowed hard. In the next moment the door swung shut once more, the key turning the lock to keep anyone else out. But also keeping me captive.

He advanced toward the bed, placing the lamp on the bed table, and smiling down at me. His eyes glinted evilly as he began to remove his trousers. I couldn't bear to watch, squeezing my eyes shut as he performed the usual rituals.

The sheets were ripped from my grasp, a sock or cravat was shoved deep into my mouth muffling any sounds I might make. My wrists were bound against the headboard, satin sashes from the curtains lacing them there.

Inwardly, I was fighting, cursing, struggling, but physically I was trapped. My leg was a weak spot, and there was nothing more my cousin loved to exploit. He slid smoothly between my legs, his fingers tracing up my lean frame and resting beneath my collarbone.

"You are so beautiful, cousin. You know I've always loved you," Richard breathed, hot air pressing against my naval. "Your pretty hair, this porcelain skin...your lips..."

He licked up my ribs, causing my stomach to flip. I didn't want any of this - I wanted it to end. But foreplay was part of his game.

"You taste so good," Richard smirked, looking up at me through hooded eyes.

I tried to scream, but the noise was muffled by the sock in my mouth. Richard grinned wickedly, and eased himself between my legs. I felt like I was being skewered from the inside out as he forced himself into me, blood slicking my entrance, and making my cousin even more lustful. I knew I had torn badly, but I also knew what would happen should I tell anyone.

Tears leaked down my cheeks from the pain, and soon, I had fainted away.


"Wren? Wren!"

I lurched upright, smacking my forehead straight into Orion's, tears filling my eyes, chest heaving, and sweat staining my clothes. Someone's hand touched my shoulder, making me shuffle away, the terror and panic still fresh in my mind.

"Love, it's only me," Branson frowned, slowly advancing once more.

I shook my head violently. I couldn't handle being touched at the moment. I didn't want to get my filth all over him, and I didn't want to feel his phantom touches either...

I vaguely realized I was shaking quite hard, regardless of the fact we were sitting in the sun in the middle of a meadow full of flowers. We had made an excursion due to Orion's instance, to pick berries and have a picnic. June had carried me, and the rest had brought baskets, luncheon, a few blankets, cushions, books, and other things to enjoy.

Branson and Orion had decided to keep me company after we had eaten, but I must have fallen asleep at some point. Once I had caught my breath and remembered where I was and what had happened, I accepted Branson's embrace.

I squeaked in surprise when he pulled me against his chest though, resting his chin on my head and folding his arms around me. Orion rested his head on my lap, happily chattering about the clouds and eating a few berries from the multitude of baskets the others had gathered.

I felt oddly at peace, although my dream had brought up bad memories. The sun was warm, the breeze light, the flowers were vibrant, and the smell of honeysuckles and berries were tokens of summer. Orion was a cheerful companion, regaling me with stories of the lads, and happy moments they had shared. Branson was quiet, but he showed his love with actions rather than words, offering me drinks, snacks, or shifting me more comfortably within his arms.

The sounds of the others returning, soon roused our drowsy threesome. Fletcher, Sal, and Robin came up the path with baskets overflowing with gooseberries, blackberries, and red raspberries. They all wore smiles, satisfied with their treasure. Sal impishly pinched Robin on the seat of his pants, and then darted away, seeking refuge behind Fletcher, eyes sparkling with mischief the whole time.

The two chased each other, dancing around Fletcher's mildly amused person in a wild display of spirit. The berries surprisngly remained in tact, but the two continued to tease each other mercilessly. A small smile crept across my face as I watched them. They reminded me of the little robin family that used to nest just beyond my bedroom window. They would dart around each other, chirping and pecking each other with merry little eyes.

Orion suddenly rose up on his knees, peering up at me with a cheeky grin. I waved my arms in a flustered manner as he quickly pressed his juice covered lips over mine.

I was soon responding to him, pressing into him a little more, and trying to imitate what he was doing with his mouth. I flinched when his tongue flicked across my mouth, bad images overwhelming me.

I was too sensitive from my dream, I supposed, and the suddenness of the kiss paired with the new introduction of tongue on top of the old memories was just too much. I let out a tiny whimper, pushing back a little as I suddenly tensed up.

"Did I hurt you? I'm so sorry!" Orion gaped, pushing back as well.

Unfortunately, his hand landed on my bad leg, causing me to jerk with a pained cry. Branson hurriedly grabbed Orion's arm, supporting him but releasing his weight from my crippled limb. Tears gathered in my eyes, and I instinctively curled into myself, ducking my head to hide my quivering lips.

"Wren! Are you alright?" Sal rushed up to us, his light-hearted expression from earlier morphing into fright.

I didn't dare reply, feeling like a I would fall apart if I even breathed. I frozen, half on, half off of Branson's lap, head bowed and arms curled around my good knee. I wanted so desperately to say something, but how could I? What would I even say?

Nobody would believe me anyway. Women were tarnished and used, not men. They would think me weak and pitiful, no matter my physical state. I was a man, and I should defend my own honor, not expect someone else to do it for me.

And yet...

How was I supposed to do so when I was just a boy? Weak, sickly - I had no chance against someone so much stronger and larger than I! Bound hand and foot, gagged, and my pain used against me as leverage - how was I supposed to fight? I could barely cry, much less scream.

No. I would never speak of it.

And yet...if anyone were to believe me...if anyone were to sympathize, who would be better candidates? Each of them came from a hard life. Maybe they would understand. But could I chance it?


The smooth notes hit me in the chest, making me relax into myself. He was here. All was well.

"Branson, what happened?" Mr. Price demanded.

"He was fine, and then Orion...um...kissed him. And after that he started shaking and refused to tell us what was going on!" Branson answered.

"Wren, listen to me," Mr. Price ordered, a kind note belying his strict tone. "I need you to - "

I flung myself at him, trusting him to catch me. I clung to his vest, burying myself in his shoulder and trying my best to compose myself. Why was it so hard to do so around these people? I was known for being stoic at my Uncle's, and yet, here, where I should be happy and safe, all I did was cry or fly into a tizzy!

"Shh," Mr. Price sighed patiently. "I'm here, and you are safe."

Oh, how I wished that was true. But I had learned my lesson long ago. No one was safe anywhere. Anything could happen.

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