(A Special Chapter) (29)

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Mr. Price

By midday, June's head was much better, even though he was exhausted. I managed to squirm free of both sleeping lads, and escape to my office while the others were in their tutoring sessions.

"There you are, brother!" Johnny grinned boyishly, a mere half hour after I had settled in my office. "I am so glad you exempted the lads from lessons this morning. We had such a lovely time."

"Well, June needed some fussing over, and Wren hasn't been sleeping well since..." I trailed off, furrowing my brows as I realized I shouldn't be spilling such private matters.

"Since what? Wren puzzles me," Johnny smirked.

"He...You have to promise not to breathe a word of this to anyone, John. It's serious and delicate, and I can't have a scandal or gossip going around, do you understand?" I sternly charged him.

"Yes, I do. I promise on Anne's grave," Johnny solemnly swore.

"Alright, I'll tell you," I gave in.

After all, John loved the boys as well, and if I couldn't trust my own family, who could I trust?


Johnny leaned back, a dark scowl on his face. The silence pressed heavily on our shoulders as we mulled over the facts.

"And he has no idea who is behind any of this?" Johnny tugged on his ear.

"No. I mean, I'm sure there's a reason, but he has no clue what it could be," I sighed. "I've got some constables on the lookout, and I've hired a few guards, but if this assassin could sneak through an entire party without being noticed, I don't know how much help they will be," I groaned, dismally. "How am I supposed to protect my boys when I don't even know what drives the opponent?"

"Brother, I know this is important. I may not have known Wren for long, but I know you. I know some people who may be able to help. They specialize in these kinds of things," Johnny offered.

"I would be grateful to you, Johnny," I admitted. "All I can think about is what would happen if anything happened to one of the boys."

"You care so much about them, Ed," Johnny shook his head, hiding a smile.

"It's my life's work," I shrugged, hiding my true feelings.

Because while it was my life's work to rescue boys who needed me to, they saved me too.

"Wren is innocent," I frowned. "He shouldn't have to go through this, and I refuse to let him face it alone."

"I figured as much," Johnny said, looking at me fondly.

"I need to get some air, would you go with me?" I asked.

"Of course!" Johnny obliged, never one to sit still for long.


Orion bounced up to us, a sunny smile on his tanned face. He held a small basket of things he had collected during his own stroll, and joyfully showed his specimens off to us.

Orion sometimes had a hard time focusing, but he was bubbly and happy, and I rarely found him upset or moody. His cheer was infectious, and soon Johnny was roaring with laughter, and my usually reserved features had softened to a smile.

"Orion!" A furious Cedar approached.

Orion winced, ducking for cover between some tall hedges. I did not envy the boy, for Cedar's temper was something to behold. Taking pity on Orion, who had probably knocked something over, spilled Cedar's paints or possibly broke one of his belongings, I stepped forward in order to calm the raging boy down.

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