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The moment faded, leaving me to deal with the aftermath. It was awkward as I realized that everyone's eyes were riveted on the pair of us, shock and surprise evident in their expressions. I swallowed dryly, hoping they wouldn't hurt us. I mean, it wasn't like I could really defend myself, and Robin was still a boy, unlike Branson, Cedar, and June. 

Suddenly, I was regretting the timing of our kiss - I couldn't say I wished it didn't happen, but I was wishing I had thought about my actions a little more. I mean, what would happen to Robin? I couldn't say I had many ambitions in life, I was a cripple, I would always be dependent on other people, I would never be able to explore the world or travel like others. I would never be able to even walk down the stairs like a normal person...but Robin? Robin could have everything - a life, a family, ambitions, love...

"Wren? You're pale, are you alright?" Sal worriedly asked. 

I couldn't feel my fingers. I felt like I couldn't breathe, couldn't think, couldn't...couldn't...

"Wren...Wren!" Cedar lightly tapped my cheek.

"Here," Fletcher urgently pressed something cool to my lips. "Drink."

I choked, spluttering, coughs racking my frame and making me wince. Hands tilted me forward, patting me on my back, Cedar and Orion panicked, flying into a tizzy. I clamped my hands over my ears, overwhelmed with the feeling of so many people touching me, talking to me, looking at me.

"Robin, I need to get closer, you need to move," June approached, reaching out for him. 

I felt like I was drowning. My lungs weren't working. My heart was beating so hard I thought it would break a rib. My lips were dry, my vision was tunneling, the room was spinning.

"Wren, honey, calm down," June gently instructed. "Take a deep breath, hold it...now let it go."

A sudden thought worked me up even more - Robin didn't know who he had kissed. He hadn't seen my deformed body, the crooked bones, the scars, the burns...he didn't know what had happened, or that some assassin was trying to kill me.

Oh god. What if the assassin decided to go after Robin or Sal, or someone else? What if - ?

A light smack to the cheek had me refocusing on the people around me. Surprisngly, only June and Robin were left. My hands gripped Robin's wrists in a vice, refusing to let him go. Worry and concern was apparent in his blue eyes, and I grimaced, knowing I was the one who had made him feel that way.

"Wren, look at me," June insisted, tilting my face towards his.

I flinched, squeezing my eyes shut. I don't know what I was thinking - it was kind of blank, yet panic filled in my mind. I don't think I believed that June would hit me, but my home life had trained me to react to things a certain way.

"Wren?" June's usually steady voice cracked. "I'm...I'm not...I won't hurt you..."

Shuffling at the door caught my attention, causing my breathing to stutter once more. Mr. Edward stepped through, his lips tight with unease. My body was shaking, fear filling me with adrenaline and determination. I wouldn't let anything happen to Robin...

"I can't calm him down," June told Mr. Price. "I tried everything..."

"Please step outside the room, I think he and I need to have a chat," Mr. Price stated blandly.

June quickly exited, the slight thud of the door the only sound for a long drawn out moment. I tensed, shuffling so Robin was slightly behind me.

"Wren, I know you kissed Robin."

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