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(6 weeks Later)

We arrived just in time for a late supper, but it was much too dark for us to see much of the ocean, or even the grounds. We had traveled in two carriages, and brought enough to comfortably sustain us for a fortnight. Mid October was a strange time to have a seaside holiday, but Eddie was nothing if not a man of his word, and the others were still excited about the prospect even if the season was not ideal.

Since it was uncommon, we would have solitude and our neighbors would not interfere for which we were all grateful. We did have a maid and a stable man, but both were trusted by Eddie and paid well for their services and discretion.

We quickly discovered that the house while small, was both charming and sweet. We would have to share rooms since there were only four, but I doubt any of us saw that as a problem. The kitchen was a decent size, and it was freshly stocked with staples that we could use. Everything had been cleaned in preparation of our arrival, and everything seemed to be in order.

After our meals, the men brought in our trunks and then we sorted out our sleeping arrangements. Fletcher claimed me almost as quickly as Robin did June, sending us all into a fit of laughter, but it took less time to figure the rest out.

The bedroom door softly closed, and I felt my grip instinctively tighten. Fletcher rubbed my back, understanding my new fear of the dark, and trying to alleviate it. He set me down on the bed, which we could make out in the gloom, and then hastily lit the waiting candles.

The room was a good size with a large bed, a wardrobe, a small desk, two tables on either side of the bed, a fireplace, and a window seat. The soft glow of the candlelight made it seem warm and inviting, and when Fletch stoked the carefully banked fire, it became cozy.

I'm not sure how it happened exactly...but one moment Fletcher was innocently helping me out of my clothes, and the next, his lips were pressed to mine, fingers splayed on the side of my neck and jaw, and the other cradling the back of my head.

"Please..." I gasped, feeling his lips suck the sensitive skin by the corner of my jaw.

"What is it? Tell me what you need," Fletcher moaned, eager to give me whatever I wanted.

I had never seen him like that before. Fletcher was calm, like a gentle, flowing river, unperturbed and serene. I had forgotten that even calm waters could change in a storm. They could overflow, become turbulent and wild, dangerous, mesmerizing...

Fletcher and I were swept away with desire and need. Passion sung through our veins, heightening every sensation, making us insatiable and weak to temptation. Everything inside of me begged to be taken, to be cleansed of every vile stain, to be purified by love.

"Please," I begged, closing my eyes as his fingers slowly trailed down my naval preparing me for Fletcher's burning lips. "Taste me..."

Shock caused my toes to curl as Fletcher growled low in his throat at my wrecked pleas. He gingerly bit down on my skin, making me arch upwards as he lavished bruising marks down my chest and stomach.

"Need you to want me," I panted, burying one of my hands in his hair as he nosed dangerously close to my waistband.

"I always want you," Fletch stated, meeting my eyes as his fingers teased me, dipping beneath the button of my trousers. "Can I have you?"

For one sharp moment, a flash of Richard's lecherous smirk filled my vision. His hands were groping me, taking what they wanted without hesitation. Fear made my heart falter, made it hard to breathe.

And then Fletch was there, eyes filled with longing, but also understanding. His hands were clear of my lower region, brushing gently against my cheekbones, and drawing attention to his face. His voice was insistent but gentle, luring me back to the present.

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