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I floated for a long while, not able to fully realize what had just happened. My brain was like a field of snow: blank and white, with a dark fence that kept the rest of the world out.

Faces blurred together, mashing and blending like colors on a painter's pallette. Words became a quiet hum, leaving me to drift alone. I was cold, but it wasn't the sharp kind that caught at your breath and stung your nose; it was the kind that sunk into your bones and made you drowsy, yet aware you shouldn't sleep just yet.

The world darkened until my only focal point was one flaming bit of color. The paleness of his skin, the angry flush of his hair, the pale pink lips, and the soft grey of his loosened blouse. I watched as the blood was washed from his tresses, as his various bruises were tended with a balm, and his arm was quickly bound in a real bandage.

I was shifted so my leg could be examined, my head was dabbed and a smaller patch was placed over the cut that had dyed parts of my brow crimson. I felt tender hands trace over my burned ligaments and tendons, the soft hush of voices occasionally catching at my ear.

Buy I wasn't ready.


I slowly came back to myself. Bits and pieces emerged, jarring my body. The first noticeable thing was how silent the room was. The soft sound of breathing was the only thing to be heard, the gentle whooshing of air a subtle hint of life. Next was the warmth that embraced me on either side, and the feeling of something soft on my hand.

Slowly, my eyes flicked around the room, surprised to see none other than Mr. Price himself, slumped over the side of the bed, lips lightly brushing my hand and head pillowed on my arm. His face looked younger in his sleep, less of the worries born of day carried in the contours of his visage. His slightly lined brow was smooth and calm, his lips slightly parted and his form relaxed.

That, however, was the last of my peaceful wanderings, for a slight movement had me gasping and panting in agony. I jerked, teeth grinding together as my leg clenched, fiery shards of pain stabbing through my calf and knee as though it were burning all over again. My hands trembled, gripping the bedsheets as I endeavored to keep still so as not to aggravate my limb further.

"Wren? Wren..." Mr. Price inhaled sleepily, eyes darting up towards mine immediately.

A strangled, choked sound escaped me, and tears threatened to fall. He quickly lit a candle, allowing the soft glow to illuminate the room. Cedar frowned, grumpily tugging at the sheets, the movement causing another flare of pain.

"Here, drink this," Mr. Edward instructed, giving me a hastily mixed drink. "I know you don't like opiates, but for the next few days Dr. Farre has prescribed it."

I paused, looking at Mr. Price dubiously. I didn't want to sleep my life away! How would I know how much time had passed? They could easily confine me to my room for days, opiates leeching my common sense and thoughts from my mind.

"Wren, I promise you, it's only so you can sleep and give your body a chance to heal. After a few days, we'll give you laudanum for the pain," Mr. Price assured me.

I sighed.

The opiates easily sent me back to the field of snow, acting like a blanket to reality. Minutes and hours and days melded into each other, robbing me of clarity and memory.

An impression of hands stroking my hair, and a smooth voice lingered with me. Warmth and soft kisses seemed to remain on my cheeks and hands. Odd, fanciful dreams of June's arms folding me carefully to his breast, or Sal's patient fingers pressing liquids or food to my mouth, and Cedar's distraught tears invaded my mind like a ghostly apparition.  When I was fretful, Branson's singing, or Fletcher's calm reading soothed my nerves.

And yet, I did not know if they were apparitions of a mind in agony seeking out relief and comfort, or if they were snippets of time that I had become lucid enough to comprehend. The curse of which I knew and loathed was once more thrust upon me. The feeling of hopeless lethargy and the simultaneous restlessness that is a result of inaction was branded in my soul.


"Hey," Orion softly spoke, noticing my fluttering eyelids.

I grimaced as my leg throbbed, feeling the warm sunshine on my face. I sighed softly, turning to face Orion more fully. He was dressed and cheerful as ever, although he was a bit quieter.

"Doctor Farre said we can try laudanum today," Orion informed me.

I nodded, watching as he put the medicine in a cup and then held it out for me to take. I shuddered as the liquid burned my tongue and throat, but managed to swallow it anyway. Orion, finished with his task, hopped up on the bed beside me, leaning his head on my shoulder and curling up in the fetal position, arm wrapping around my chest.

The room was peaceful and silent, and I found myself drifting in the haze. Orion's comforting weight and warmth made me relax into the mattress. I laughed at myself - only a few days ago I had asked the boys not to touch me unless necessary - now, I was delighted by it. I couldn't pinpoint what it was that made the contact addicting.

"We've missed you," Orion mumbled, voice uncharacteristically soft. "Even when you were awake you weren't there. Not really. You just...stared through us. It was odd."

I stroked his hair, getting a content sigh in return. The door creaked open, revealing June. I smiled, waving him in. One by one, the boys wandered in. Sometimes there was a gap between arrivals, other times they came almost together. They all crowded around, Robin, Cedar, and Orion joining me on the bed. Branson lounged against the wall so he could peer out the window. Fletcher settled on a chair by the bed, clutching my hand. June stood just inside the doorway, quietly observing us all.

I had been out of it for four days. Only Dr. Farre and Mr. Edward had seen my leg, but according to them it had been bruised heavily. I wasn't to walk on it for a fortnight, after which I would have to use a crutch. The boys assured me that I would have every assistance and aid possible.

Robin was being surprisingly possessive of me, smacking Orion's hands when they brushed through my tangled curls, huffing when someone took my attention from him...he even tried to kick Cedar off the bed when he made me smile! It was when Fletcher pecked the back of my hand that he completely lost it though.

He leaned over, cupping my chin in one palm, and...

I didn't know what to do! His lips tasted of strawberries, soft, slotted between mine. They pressed demandingly, craving a response. My arms flailed a little when my chest burned for air.

"Robin!" June scolded. "You know better than that! You shouldn't have assaulted him!"

Tears filled Robin's eyes as they glanced at me. I realized then, that I hadn't kissed him back. But did I want to?

Yes. I wanted him to do it again. But it was frowned upon. I knew several people who had either been run out of town or killed for it. Yet, the boys had hinted at it before...

Surely it would be safe here.

Without thinking too much, I yanked Robin down, interrupting June's lecture. One of his hands found it's way to my hair and pulled, passion getting the better of him. I squeezed my eyes shut, quickly shaking my head.

"Sorry..." Robin mumbled, briefly breaking the lip lock.

I smiled, returning to my new addiction.

Everything faded away.

My present, my pain, my past. Nothing existed but the beautiful boy in my arms.

Sorry it's short, guys. Just doing what I can. :-)

1,364 words.

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