''Hang on a minute while I check please,'' she replies.

''Oh yes, here it is. It says here that it was collected by a 'Charles Morgan','' she reads out. 

Charles? why would Charles collect an invite on behalf of me and then not give it. ''Umm...Jennifer right? Could you maybe describe how this Charles person looked like?''

''Oh yeah sure, it's pretty hard to forget actually,'' she giggles, ''He had this stormy grey eyes and raven black hair that almost reached his shoulders,'' she says dreamily.

Grey eyes? Black hair? That's definitely not Charles. Who could it be then? ''Okay thanks, can you email the invite to me please. I'll make sure I have my clothes and team ready by Saturday.''

''Yes, ma'am sure. I'll email it to you right away,'' she replies then hangs up after I thank her.

''Well I guess I'm working this weekend. Great,'' I mutter to myself then walk out. 

''Can I have your attention everybody,'' I shout out at my staff and colleagues.

''We have been asked to showcase our hit designs at the fashion awards next week and due to lack of time, we will be working this weekend.''

I hear a series of groans and moans around but they stop when I shoot them all a glare. ''Look, I know some of you had plans this weekend. Heck, even I had plans, '' Lie. That's a big lie. The only plan I had was to take Nancy's advice and drown in alcohol and watch cheesy romantic movies all day.

''But we all need to work together and make sure that we have something for the big awards next week. I will be here at 08:00 am tomorrow and so should you all,'' I announce.

''Well there goes my plan to drink and stay in, ''I grumble to myself as I walk out the building. 

My eyes land on the liquor store on the corner of the street. ''Oh well, I'll be damned.''

I cross the street and head towards the store. ''Hello there, what would you like today?'' the middle aged man greets. Okay so, since I'm going for the dinner at Charles' might as well take a bottle of wine and uhhh.... I scan the aisle for something strong, ''bingo!''

''I'd like that bottle of wine, '' I point to the wine collection behind the counter, ''and these,'' I hoist up the basket containing four bottles of vodka.

The man snickers at me, ''having a party are you girly?''

''Yeah....yeah you can say that,'' I reply while fishing out my credit card. I walk out and go to my car where I put the bottles safely then drive home.

I take a quick shower as soon as I get home then walk to my wardrobe. ''It's nothing fancy so a light sweater and leggings would do,'' I tell myself and pull out a light pink sweater and black leggings. I grab my hair and do a messy bun, put on some light lipstick, a pair of nude flats and voila! I'm done.

''Okay, okay I can do this. Just ignore him, ignore the bond, ignore the sparks, ignore his beautiful brown eyes, ignore his husky voice, his amazing cheekbones, his luscious hair, his.....Oh my god! What's wrong with me! ugh, stop!!"

''If you're done, I'd like to open the door now,'' Charles chuckles from the other side of it. 

Oh no! he heard me. Shit! Shit! SHIT!!

The door cracks open to reveal Charles, grinning like a Cheshire cat. ''Don't,'' I grumble and walk in.

''Heyyy...I was not the one giving myself a pep talk out there, which took an unusual turn huh?'' he winks. ''Don't worry though, he didn't hear you, he's still in the shower.''

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