I quickly wipe the design out of the dirt with my foot as fast as I can. My blood starts boiling so I close my eyes and take a deep breath. The last thing I need is to make a kid cry right now. Her dad will probably get all pissy with me and I'll get a lecture from Shane about getting along with others.

"Don't ever draw that again! Do you hear me?!" I say in a very serious and angry tone.

"I just thought-." She starts saying with big wide eyes.

"Look, you can't tell anyone about this ok?! You have to promise me you'll stay quiet about that." I say in a dangerous tone and she looks scared and runs off.

I huff and shake my head annoyed at how fragile children are. I never was. I didn't ever get the chance to be.

I hear people talking with one another while I'm left looking into the messed up dirt in front of me. I pull my sleeves down to cover the mark and I head back to camp and watch the others pack for their trip.

I'm leaning up against a tree when Daryl comes up to me.

"Hey, I just wanted to say that uh...well...sorry about the arrow and attacking your brother..." He says while looking down at the ground and scratching the back of his neck uncomfortably.

"It's all good." I say and I turn around and whip a knife at another tree and stick a squirrel.

I turn back to see Daryl looking at me still. He has a slight shocked yet, impressed expression on his face as he looks between me and the dead squirrel.

 He has a slight shocked yet, impressed expression on his face as he looks between me and the dead squirrel

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"Nice! Ya never said ya were an ass kickin' Assasin Ninja...actually ya never said anythin' a
for that matter." He jokes and playfully punches me in the shoulder and I punch him back with a smirk.

He starts heading off with Rick and gets the rest of the stuff ready. I go to get the squirrel but Lori blocks my path and looks at me with her arms crossed.

"What the hell was that?! What if one of the kids had been walking close to the tree?! What if you missed and hit someone?! You could have killed someone with that thing! And all for what?! A squirrel?!" She fumes clearly angry about my recklessness

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"What the hell was that?! What if one of the kids had been walking close to the tree?! What if you missed and hit someone?! You could have killed someone with that thing! And all for what?! A squirrel?!" She fumes clearly angry about my recklessness.

[Rough Draft]        Keres : The Walking Dead Where stories live. Discover now