Niarcos laughed at her notion you expect me to believe in your god and I've known Chance for two hundred year's? My brother ain't coming back sister you can forget that woman.

He is Clarence? Sugar I ain't in this it's between you and your boyfriend.
Gabriel darted a dirty look keep talking slick Clarence.

Niarchos removed his gold chain slipping her engagement ring on next to his gold Lazarus piece taunting her. I'm keeping it don't cry calling to her as she stormed out the room. No more getting thing's back when you loose a bet missy!

Do I look worried Nicky? Clarence shook his head.

Why are you messing with her Niarchos? What do you mean pop? I'm keeping it she has to learn. No you won't that woman has both of us wrapped around her pinky Niarchos grinned. Feels nice having a woman around pop dosen't it? Sure does son.

Clarence was napping Gabriel crept downstairs getting her package from the blacksmith. Warren gave her the box she handed him $1500 for pair's for Niarchos and Grip.

The inside of the cuffs are titanium they don't burn when on but the outside will.
Do you make bullet's? Yes ma'am. Please forge bullet's from the remaining scrap's for the Pharoah's gun a nine glock. I can make 200 from the scrap metal Gabriel. Can you make four knives Warren? Sure can you're keeping me busy I like that.
One of the knives is mine make a switch blade warren please. Yes ma'am.
Gabriel went upstairs Clarence was still naked sleep.

She slipped one set of cuffs out making sure the key worked. Gabriel grabbed his hand slipping the cuff on attaching easy to his other hand when Clarence's eye's opened.

Hey sugar he went to move his arms trying to snap the cuffs and couldn't looking confused.

Snapping the sheet off she asked what do we have here? Rolling her finger's on his growing erection.

Clarence was shocked he couldn't break the cuffs. Why won't they what is it laying his hand on his leg burning himself naughty girl. I'll call my son to subdue you he's already cross with you. Gabriel said playfully call him I dare you.

Gabriel dropped her boy short's bouncing her ass in front of him I want to get fucked what's wrong with that Clarence?

I can't fuck you in cuffs uncuff me now! Please sweetie his voice going from commanding to gentle.

Or what Clarence? Woman remove the iron's off me now! I don't like restraint.

Ignoring him she went to the fridge removing whip cream.

Gabriel off I command you I mean it take them off. I won't spraying whip cream smothering his dick licking purposely not sucking.

He was moaning She turned him so his legs were on the floor no Gabriel she sat on him reverse cowgirl twirling her hips down on him easy and slow.

Gabriel don't bang she bounced up and down slamming and slapping her pussy hard on his dick she was white and creamy she was about to nut. He was petrified looking for blood he was afraid he tried to connect with her mentally she was blocked.

Riding with her feet on the edge of the bed she banged down on his extreme hardness. He went to hold her from banging, he was loosing his breath because it felt so fucking good. Calling her name she ignored him looking up there was blood on his pale skin. BABY, STOP! STOP! he screamed out, Gabriel HONEY THERE'S blood!

I don't believe you baby LOOK! He was holding up his hand trembling all he was thinking I killed my babies God no.
She stopped, wiping with her hand to check he started to shake.

Zion come now, hurry Gabriel's bleeding he called telepathically they were in Rose's house. Take them off Gabriel it's going to be fine Sugar.

He was forcing himself to remain calm but was extremly nervous. She removed them quick shaking and crying.

Vampire Uprising I  (Book 1 In The Complete Series Of 13 Copy writen) Where stories live. Discover now