Ex-hubby meets...well

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"Got the keys?"

"Yeaaaah" I grab my bag and lock the house as Justin and I get in the car. He's been pretty stressed out about meeting Brad which is the funniest thing to see

"Are you okay baby?" I lay my hand on his lap as he's driving

"Uh yeah I'm good...I mean it's kind of a big deal. I wouldn't want him not to like me. I mean he's your kids father. It's so so so important....it could go either really good or incredibly wrong"

"Oh my god Justin, he's just a random guy that happens to be my kids dad...he's really simple, talks about football, the last movie that has success and love good art...you have nothing to worry about"

"But what happens if he doesn't like me?"

"Then....who cares? I'm the one that matter, he doesn't"

"I still think we should get along"

"Babe I think it's really sweet that this matters that much to you, but don't expect him to be all thrilled with you either...no ex does that, he's gonna be good don't worry"

"I guess..."

We finally get to Brad's loft, I can already hear Leyah's babbling across the door.

Brad opens the door, holding her as she desperately tries to eat a chicken wing. He still has that grin on his face, the one that tells you he's on for a little show

"Heyyy, Hi mama, are you eating a chicken wing?" I take my baby taking in her scent since I didn't see her the past three days.

"Brad this is-"

"Justin, I can finally put a face on Mey's favorite volleyball coach, slash Jen's boyfriend"

"Haha nice to meet you Brad"

"Come in, I was actually gonna make lasagna but Mey thought it'll be better to have carbonara so..."

"I think she just wanted to make things easier for you, so since my baby is eating a chicken wing does that mean she ate already?"

"Naa she just fought for it, we were actually at the grocery store and we walked in front of these rotisserie chickens being cooked...she ran to it and said she wanted that....so here we go"

"Well she knows what she wants, that's my girllll"

We get to the living room where Justin looks at all of his pieces of art "I love this painting, gorgeous"

"Oh thank you, it was made by a friend...he was just very drunk one night, and was inspired...it's one of my favorites"

He pours us some martini before joining us in the living room "This is very well done"

"Thanks, after having Jen yell at me three or four times on how to have a good mix, I managed to make dirty martinis"

"Seriously he makes the bests now"

I notice Brad continuously staring at Justin, making the situation a little uncomfortable but somehow funny since I perfectly know he just tries to impress him "So Justin do you live here in L.A?"

"No no I'm in New York most of the time, I've got my whole life there"

"Ah I see, I'm guessing it'll be a little complicated with Jen being here and you there..."

"But we'll find a way," I grab Justin's band, trying to relax him and let him know we're all good "Right...I really like Jen and I think the moment will come where we will talk about how things are going between us"

For Dear LifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora