Welcome new angel

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I only have the time to realize what is happening that Dré runs to my bedroom and Court comes to me "My god..."

"That's it honey, she's ready! Does it hurt?" She helps me walk to my bedroom where Andrea already has my bag packed and clothes on the bed so I can change "No not for now..."

"Okay, I know I wanted her to come out but I never thought it would be so quick my god" I get in the shower and let the hot water run on my back as I know this could take a while

"Well you asked for it honey...over a week later, oh my god she's gonna be born on Christmas Day...a Christmas baby"

"Maybe you should call her Noelle" Andrea laughs as they both sit on the floor staring at me "Yeah right, I'm gonna call my daughter Noelle, you guys obviously didn't realize the fact that Brad doesn't want any stupid name"

"Oh speaking of him, I'm gonna call him so he knows it's happening tonight"

"No no Court don't...I'll call him when the baby is here"

"Yeah right" they both say at the same time heading out

"I'm serious. Seeing him right now is the last thing I want to do, I want to have my baby in peace without arguing on whether her name is gonna be..I don't know, freaking Marina or Sawyer!"

"Okay okay Shh Jen honey, don't scream it's not good for you calm down.." Andrea hands me my towel, helping me out of the shower

"Court, I can see you dialing!"

"Shhh" she gets out of the room obviously on the phone with him.

As I get dress, I feel my first contraction which feels more like a cramp than anything but i know it's only the beginning "You okay?"

"Yes it just feels weird when that last time I felt that was almost eleven years ago"

"It must be...but a good weird right?"

I nod smiling "A really really good weird. I mean I've been waiting for that since five years. We tried for five whole years and now she's finally coming...I'm so excited...and terrified"

"I'm so excited be an aunt again! She's gonna be so cute and spoiled by everyone"

As she speaks I realize I'm forgetting about Mey. She's in her room and has no idea what is going on. Her life is about to change forever and I want to make sure she's alright

"I have to go check on Mey, would you please call my mom and ask her to join us at the hospital also call Dana and make sure she can come for Mey?"

"Don't worry I'm gonna take her home so she can stay with Coco and I'll join you guys at the birth center?"

"Yeah perfect thank you honey"

As I get in Mey's room she's watching a movie in her bed, looking cuter than ever and not bothering anyone "Hey honey..." I lay next to her, pulling her closer on my chest "Hi mommy"

"You know that I love you right? And that no matter what you think and what you feel you will always my first baby?" She nods, still watching her show

"And...that even if there's your sister, you will always matter to me, and that I will love you both so so much?"


"Alright, now are you ready to welcome her in our family?" She nods smiling at me "Okay baby, so now I'm gonna go and bring you your little sister" I give her a peck and start to slowly get up

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