The next morning

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"Hi, wake up goofball" I open my eyes to see a very naked Jen in front of me, staring at me with a big smile ""

She covers herself with a sheet "Come on stop staring at me" she laughs. "You're just beautiful"

"Well're just saying that because we slept together" "No I swear to God, you are, plus I've always told you you were beautiful"

we look at each other without saying a thing, both smiling "Come on let's go get ready now" "Wh-why? Aren't we gonna have breakfast or something?" I follow her in the bathroom

"Well I have to go pick up your daughter at Court's and then take her to her dance class later in the afternoon" she gets in the shower "Well you can stay if her class is only in the afternoon"

"No Brad, I have to change my clothes and sleep eventually, I just want to be in my bed right now...this was...awesome" "

"It was" she finishes to get dress then takes her bag "Alright I gotta go now, see you" she comes then kisses me on the cheek "See you" I see her leave then close the door


I get in the car, then before leaving, I take the time to think about all that happened last night, every moment, every minute. It was one of the best nights we ever had.

All the conflicts we could have had were gone, it was passionate and for the first time in a long I was with the Brad I chose to marry, and this- this was a great way to end this relationship.

I drive to Court's, everything is still calm in the house and she is reading a book near the pool "Hey hon" I sit next to her "Heeeeey"

she smiles letting me know she knows what happened. "Where are the girls, your house is way too calm" "They're still sleeping, they stay up late last night"

"Sooo, we have plenty of time for you to tell me, what happened last night?!" she laughs "I don't know what you're talking about" I smile

"Oh come on!" she slightly pushes me "We needed to talk, you know...about us, and what we're gonna do for now"

"Annnd you had sex!" "Well after yeah...he came with the crazy idea that we should have a bonus night" she hands me a glass of limonade

"You guys are not even divorced yet" "that's what I said but we're not together anymore technically"

"True, and was it?" she asks all excited  "Court it was...the best night we had in so many months, it was so passionate, rough and yet loving"

"Wow and did you...?" "At least three times"

"Three times!?!" I cover her mouth as I see the girls walking to us "Hey girls, had a good night?" "Hey mom yeah, we watched three movies"

They both hug us "Where were you mom?"'Mey asks laying in my arms

"Yeah you were supposed to take us to your house" Coco adds making Court staring at me, certainly waiting for what my answer will be

"I know girls I'm sorry but I needed talk about some stuff with your dad and we finished way too late to come pick you guys"

"You'll eventually have to pay for that Jen" Coco says laying next to Court "I know, I promise I will. Come on monster let's go home"

She goes back to take her bag then we head back home. As soon as we arrive I fall on the couch way too tired to do anything

"Mom can we talk again about having another puppy?" "What? But we already have Norman Mey"

"I know mom and I love him but another little puppy would be so cool, and I know you'll love him too"

"Yeah I will honey, but I won't have the time to take care of it now and to train it...actually you won't either"

"Oh please, tell me you'll think about it at least" she lays on me "please please please" she says making her puppy face "

"haha okay honey, but please get up you're becoming very heavy. What do you eat girl?" I say teasing her

"I'm not getting up mom, I eat what you feed me I'm not fat, are you saying that I am?"

"Absolutely not honey, you're not fat, plus I already told you, you'll always be my chubby baby...I just miss the time you were so little that I could put you in my shirt"

"I can't believe I once was that little" "You were honey...and I was putting you in my t-shirt"

"Mommy that's gross, why would you do that?"

"It's actually the cutest thing Mey" she gets up then heads to the kitchen when I receive a text from Brad

"Hey, hope you got home safe, can I pick Mey tomorrow?"

"Sure, what time?"

"When she comes out of school I can come home to pick her up" 

"Sounds good, I'll tell her. See you tomorrow then"

"Yep, see you"

Hey guys I hope you enjoy the story, I know for now it's not great, but don't worry the best is coming !!!

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