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"Mom do I need my hair straightener?" Mey rushes in the bathroom "Well it depends if you want to look like a crazy psycho"

"Okay I'm taking it" I finish packing while Brad is watching a movie, and obviously haven't started packing

"Honey did you pack already?" "Nope, I'll do it when I finish the movie" I know he's not gonna move so I get in front of the TV "Really Jen??? For real?" I don't say anything and stand in front of him.

"Jeez you're exhausting sometimes" he sighs as he gets up from the couch and starts packing "Well that's nice Brad" "You really are right now Jen" "I don't want you to forget anything like you're used to"

"Okaaaay" he sighs then gets out of the room. We're finally ready then get in the car "I'm so excited!!" Mey screams out of nowhere clapping her hands "Haha I can see that princess, but please I still love my ears" Brad says

"Let's put some music" I turn on the radio, a song of U2 passes "That's my favorite"

"No you know that's your mom's favorites Mey" "But it's one of mine too dad" she starts to get defensive "It's okay sweetie we can share" I smile

We finally get to the airport then avoid all the paparazzi before getting inside our private jet. Mey immediately falls asleep so Brad and I get to talk a little "I'm exhausted, I think this is gonna be good for us to be away a little"

I smile then nod, not even knowing what to answer, he pulls me closer to him so I can lay my head on his shoulder "I guess you're not bored right now" I say blaming him for what he said last time

"Jen I told you this is not what I wanted to say" I sit back "but does it matter now... you said it and I know that it's what you think" I say completely calm "Jen I love you,"

"And I love you too, but sometimes it's not enough Brad"

"What does that mean?? Maybe you don't realize it yet, but you love...someone else..."

"Excuse me??" I say raising my voice then calm back down not to wake Mey "You know what, we're on vacation and we're doing this for her so let's not fight"

He nods then we remain silent till we arrive there. We finally land in Tahiti then a boat takes us to our hotel "Welcome in our hotel Mr and Mrs Pitt, my name is Juan let me take you to your suite"

The man takes us to a wonderful suite with two big bedrooms "That's so beautiful dad!" "Glad you like it honey, which one of the room you want?"

"The one with the Lilys!" We let her have the room then start to unpack. I take off my clothes then head to the bathroom, I can see Brad staring at my naked body from the bathroom's mirror, which makes me laugh

"Not so boring uh?" I close the door "God Jeeeen" I finish taking my bath then get out to see Brad laying on the bed already. I get in my pajamas then take my pillows

"Where are you going?" He sits on the bed "Sleeping with my daughter" I say then get in Mey's room who's already sleeping.


I wake up in an empty bed, guessing Brad and Mey are already awake. So I head to the bathroom then have a shower before joining them on the deck "hey mom" Mey turns towards me "Hey sweetie" I kiss her then Brad before sitting next to them and grabbing a French toast

"You had a good night?" He asks handing me some coffee "Yeah..." "Mom, why did you sleep with me actually last night" She asks making Brad smiles as he wonders how I'm gonna get out of that without letting her know something's wrong "Well...you know how dad can be really annoying sometimes..."

"Haha yeah..." she quickly forgets about it then I blink at Brad letting him know I won again "So what do you girls want to do today?" " I want to go to the beach, sunbath with mom" "Well thanks sweetie, you don't want to do anything with your dad..."

"Haha no dad we can play volleyball after don't worry" He gets up then hugs me from behind "should we get going?" I nod then we get up and head to the beach. We get to the private beach near our room then I lay on the sand while Brad and Mey play for awhile

"Mom come play with us!" "No honey I'm fine here"

I smile as I watch them bonding and playing along. When I look at them together, nothing makes me more happy.

I'm so grateful that she has Brad as a father and it makes me love him even more if it's possible, but I can't stop wondering where this is going, If we'll make it through. Nothing tells me that we'll stay together, but I want to keep that hope, that maybe my marriage isn't over yet.

"I'm so thursty can I have a virgin Mojito?" Mey interrupts my thinking as they both come back to sit next to me "Ugh..sure, here you can go order to the bar" I give her some money then she leaves. "You seemed somwhere else, what were you thinking about?"

Brad asks as he pulls me closer to him "I was thinking about us, and her...she is so beautiful I'll do anything for her" we both look at Mey who's paying her cocktail "She makes me want to fight more for us and figure things out"

He continues as he's now staring at me. "I know..." I stay there not able to say anything else, there's actually nothing to say at this moment. He leans then kisses me. A deep kiss, the kiss that reminds me how much I love him and how I feel secure with him by my side.

He hugs me, then I stay in his arms till Mey comes back "You guys are cute, I love that" We both laugh knowing she's still at an age where she doesn't find it gross "You won't be saying that soon sweetie"

she sits next to us then we stay there talking about her friends and how cool they are for being able to stay 2 minutes in the water without breathing. We watch the sunset, both in Brad's arms then head back to our room where we spend the night watching movies.

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