Asking for the simple things

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Jen's POV

"Good morning princess"

I whisper, entering Leyah's room. She's slowly waking up after surprisingly sleeping late this morning. I take her in my arms as she wraps herself around me "Did you have a good sleep?"

She just nods, still half asleep so I let her take her time; I open the curtains then choose her clothes for the day.

"Are you hungry honey?"


"Alright so let's go eat first and then we'll get ready"  I pick her up then get downstairs to Brad and Mey who are done with their breakfast and leaving for the day.

"Say bye to dada honey" I lean her over so she can kiss Brad

"Bye princess, have fun with mama today, I love you"

"Wuv you"

"Give a kiss to Mey too"  She wraps her tiny arms around Mey and say goodbye

"Bye bye"

"Bye Leyley"

I set her in her high chair then go over to start her breakfast, kissing Brad in the process.

"Bye babe, have a nice day"

"You too...oh baby what time are you coming home tonight? Are you having dinner with us?"

"Yeah I should be home earlier tonight"

"Sure? Cause I'd like us to review some of the houses Stephen wants us to visit. It'd be great if we can do that tonight and start the visits soon"

"Sure no problem, we'll talk about that tonight when I get home, bye"

"Bye honey"

I kiss Mey then watch them leave, giving my baby and I the perfect time to have breakfast. "Well now it's just the two of us baby, it's our mama and Leyley's date"


"Yeah our date"

I sit in front of her and we have a rather calm and relaxed breakfast, as calm as it can be with a toddler eating pancakes with syrup, then we have a discussion about all her new favorite babies.

Once we're done I clean everything then get us ready before we go on with our day.

"Princess , come and sit with me"

Since she's two, Brad and I decided to slowly prepare her for preschool so that she knows what to expect and make the transition as smoothly as possible for her.  These two last years have gone by so fast that I didn't see it coming at all. I feel like yesterday I was finding out that I was pregnant with her, and now she's starting school next year.

She's the smartest, most joyous and sassy little girl I know, her father's twin with the most amazing smile, and not a day goes by without me thinking how amazing she is and how fast she's growing.

"Alright Leyah Mariane , can you come sit with mama? We're gonna do something very special today"

She does as I say, siting right in front of me and looking at everything I laid on the floor

"So remember mama and dada told you now you're a big girl? How old are you?"

"Twoooo" she shows me her two little fingers proudly

"Yesss that's right honey, you're two, which means you'll soon get to go to preschool! Just like in the book, look"

I open the book with all the drawings about school, surprisingly getting her attention

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