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"What about that little dress?"

I walk past Mey who's convincing me to buy the whole shop "honey. We've been over this, we're not going to buy dresses or shorts when we don't know the gender yet"

"But it's such a cute dress mom" she drops it acting as if it was the end of the world "Can't we call the doctor to know?"

"No be patient honey, we'll know very soon"

We continue through the isle while I choose some unisex clothes and supplies. I try to keep myself from taking every single thing when I suddenly feel a flip in my belly

"Oow..." I touch my belly in shock as this is the first time the baby really kicks "What Mom? Are you alright?"

"Yeah...I'm okay honey, give me your hand" i take her hand and place it on my belly so she can feel the kick "Wooow it's really strong, does it hurt?"

"No honey it doesn't haha" I take her hand as we walk down the isle to the checkout "Honey maybe we should go to Target and buy some groceries before we head home?"

"Are you gonna cook tonight?"

"Do you want me to?"

"Yeah! Can we make a Greek salad and maybe lasagna?"

"Okay we will do that, let's go take some M&S' and maybe some chips oh oh doughnuts!"

"Mom why are you so excited?" She stares at me as I'm usually the one keeping her away from that "Uh...let's say it's the baby's cravings"

"Well....then maybe baby needs some s'mores too"

"Are you trying to have me buy you s'mores ?"

"Maybe" She smirks putting in all we need for the s'mores

We continue through the isle taking all we need, me trying my best to hide my growing belly since we haven't announced publicly yet

"Oh my-Jennifer?" I turn to see a face I haven't seen in at least 10 years, my mother's sister  "Aunt Joan? Oh my god hi!"

She immediately hugs me tight for those years she didn't see me "Oh you haven't changed a bit, still beautiful aunt Joan"

"Oh come on honey, being 60 is not 30 haha, believe me I can feel I'm changing but you, you look fabulous! My god last time I saw you you were carrying a sweet baby girl-

"Oh yes Mey! She was 6 months old, well here she is!" I point to Mey who's walking back to us with all the junk food we need"

"They didn't have any peanut m&m so I took the crispy ones. Oh hello" she smiles

"Hellooo wow she's so big now!"

"Haha Mey this is nana's sister, grandma Joan"

"Oh you look like her!"

"Well I get that a lot, it's so great to see you Jo, god she looks so much like her father, how is he by the way?" I don't know if I want to tell her we're not together anymore, at least not in a public place

"Well maybe we can talk about it somewhere else, would you like to come have lunch with us if you don't have something planned of course"

"Well of course let's go have lunch!"

We order out of food while I tell her what she missed since we last saw each other "So how is Brad? Still taking his art class ?"

"Oh yeah he is haha, but we're separated now" I smile trying not to break down in front of Mey after the last events "Oh nooo, what happened?"

"It's a bit complicated but everything is fine, we're in good terms" I tell her so she knows I rather not talk about it in front of Mey

"But we still all love each other and we're gonna love the baby so much too" Mey says out of nowhere probably forgetting that she's not supposed to say it "Oops!" She covers her mouth as I stare at her

"Oh my god you're having another baby? Congratulations"

"Thank yoouuu, well yeah but it's a secret nobody knows except for our close friends and family so please keep it to yourself"

"Of course, sure...but how are you gonna do? With him not being there, be a single mom..."

"I can take care of my kids you know, and he's still their lives he takes care of Mey...he's a great father" I try to sound nice as she obviously think I might not be able to do it on my own

"Okay...and you Mey what do you like doing when you're not at school?" She turns back to Mey who's getting bored

"Now I love paintball! I also have an art class and volleyball and piano"

"Oh wow that's a lot of activities aren't you exhausted at the end of the day?"

"Oh no she wants to do it all, we were the one stopping her and believe me she's not even tired after, and she wants to ride horses  ...she's so full of energy" I say as I give her a peck on the forehead

"You know I have a friend who has a ranch really not far from here maybe I can take you Mey if you guys have the time"

"I actually have a meeting but Mey you can go if you want"

"But mom it's Sunday why do you have to work?"

"It's not work honey and it won't take more than an hour I promise baby, aunt Joan would you mind taking her home after?"

"Oh sure I will you're still in your old house right?"

"Yeah the same...thank you so much, bye honey see you later" I kiss the two of them before leaving

I didn't have a meeting but really needed to figure it out. It's been three days since Brad sent me the divorce papers I haven't been able to really read them. I knew it was coming but I never thought he will do it like that. We've always said that when the moment will come, we'll talk about it and do it in the most friendly way.

And yet here we are.

Okay guys that is probably the worst chapter I ever wrote but I didn't know how to end it lol. The next chapter will be better i promise!

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