Everything is falling into place

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It is around 7a.m, Jen is still peacefully sleeping both girls are completely still knocked out after a very late movie night the night before. Brad is the only one awake at the moment, checking on his emails.

"Oh someone is gonna be very excited"


"Jeez, how long have you been awake?" He almost jumps up, not expecting Jen to react or even be awake for the matter.

"You type on your computer like it's drums Brad, I've been awake since..."

"Aww I'm sorry, you should've told me"

"No it's okay, so who's gonna be excited about something?"

"Welllll" he stares at her smiling, making her laugh as she's desperately waiting for him to say whatever he has to say

"Am I the best husband ever?"

"Baby come on, tell me what it is"

"Answer my question first. Am I the best husband ever?" He pulls her closer to him as she lays her head on his chest

"Well sometimes"


"Well you know sometimes you are annoying, for example you type on your computer next to your sleeping wife, or you forget to put the toilet sit down before bed and i just want to kill you"

"Touché. But I think I'm a pretty goddamn husband considering the fact that I just got us to get the keys to our dream house"

"Wh- oh god, are you serious? We- we're getting the keys?!?" She jumps up staring at him with the excitement building in her.

"We are babe"

"Is it a joke? You're playing me again?"

"No I'm not babe, we're finally getting the keys to the house"

"Oh my god yessss!" She leans over to kiss him, more than happy about the news. "I know I didn't really want to move out but that house- just stole my heart, and now we finally get to have the keys and start planning"

"I know baby, you're literally jumping right now"

"But I'm so excited! The girls are going to be too, and the yard- oh my god baby can you imagine the amazing afternoons we'll spend with our friends and family...and the bedroom with the view"

"That house is perfect...we're gonna spend a lot of time designing our bedroom though, I have some pretty important ideas"


"Yes very, you know we have to make sure our bedroom is extra comfortable for-"

"Mama..." They're interrupted by Leyah's tiny sleepy voice as she walks in, dangling as she walks to them

"Ooh hi baby, come here" Jen lifts her into her arms where she wraps her little arms around her neck, still slightly falling asleep.

"Good morning princess, did you have a good night?" She whispers in her ears, slowly rocking her back and forth


"Do you want to sleep more? In dada's arms?"

She doesn't answer but just crawls to Brad arms, laying on him as he kisses her on the forehead, making her slowly fall asleep.

"She's so pretty and perfect, she's my tiny little baby"

"She's going on 3 years old Brad"

"Shh don't say that...she's my baby"

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