Oh Baby!

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"Mom where are you going?" Mey gets in the bath as I'm taking a shower "I have a meeting with dad we need to go to" I quickly find something as we decided to wait before telling her about the baby

"Is it a divorce meeting?" She looks at me hoping it isn't "No honey, it's not divorce related, it's a good thing not a bad one"

"Okay well whatever it is, don't be late for our SPA daaay" she runs back in her room "I wooon't"

I put a black legging on and a white sweatshirt even if my belly is absolutely not noticeable, wrap my hair in a bun and put my sneakers on, then I get downstairs waiting for Brad to pick me up and for Jane to come look after Mey

"Mom please don't be late"

"I promise I won't and if I am I'm taking you to the Sugar Factory after the SPA" she gives me a high five

About 10 minutes later Jane gets in "Hey grandma!" Mey runs to her taking her bad as always "Hey honey I missed you!"

"Hey Jane, thanks for keeping an eye on her"

"Oh don't worry sweetie, I love my time with her. Brad is waiting for you in the car"

"Alright!" I take a bottle of water my bag and my phone then get in the car. Brad is wearing Mey's pink sunglasses trying to make me laugh

"Heeeeyyyy, Bradlina you're so pretty right now" I laugh taking a picture of him "I think it's cute on me"
"Yeah you really should think about buying some" I roll my eyes

"So, how do you feel?" He asks a little more serious this time "Well I'm tired not too nauseous but I'm alright...I'm just thrilled and excited to see it"

"Man I remember Mey's first ultrasound...we were both freaking out because it was so small and then came the heartbeat, it was so fast...I was so excited and I had no idea I was about to have the most beautiful thing ever 6 months later"

" I know right...but I still can't believe we found out at 12 weeks, how did I not feel something was different, that I didn't get my period in 4 months"

"That's maybe because we were traveling a lot and were having sex almost every single day" he smirks

"Probably and I wasn't feeling sick at all...until we find out she was coming haha"

"Man tell me about it"

We park in the underground parking of the hospital. "Where are you going?" I press the elevator button as he's about to take the stairs "I'm way too tired to take the stairs Brad"

"Oh come on really?"

"Well good luck for the ten floors you have to climb" I say as the doors are closing, then he puts his foot blocking it "Oohh changed your mind?" I smirk teasing him

"There might be a serial killer in there, it's way too dark" I roll my eyes closing the doors again

"Hi I'm Jennifer Aniston, I have a appointment with doctor Tillman" I sign up for my appointment as Brad is checking on the baby pictures on the wall

"Yes, doctor Tillman will meet you in 5 minutes, you can wait right there we'll call you right away"

"Thank you" I join Brad in the waiting room as he keeps staring weirdly at a baby in his mom's arms "Jeez what happened to that kid?? He's scary" he whispers "Brad, that's not nice you don't know what is your baby gonna turn like"

"Well I know we have no idea, but I also know that we'll never have a baby like that"

"Oh come on he's not so bad, look at his cute little fe-" As I'm about to finish my sentence the lady gets up, giving me a better view on the baby's face "-Okay please be cute my love" I hold my very flat belly

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