Alumni reunion

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"This place is packed... you really went to school with all these people?"

Brad opens the door to his high school reunion revealing a room packed full of people drinking and talking.

"Well half of them. I didn't think most of these people would be married or have someone to bring with though. I went to school with some weird people."

"That's not very nice Brad."

He pulls me towards our table so we can finally sit down and relax with some of his friends and their wives that I recognize. They jump right up to greet us with hugs as we walk over.

"Heeey! How is everything? You look great!"

"Thankss! We're good. The girls are growing up way too fast. Brad said Drew is in college already? I still remember Mey following him around saying she was going to marry him."

"Aww yeah he started last month. He's been loving it. I can't believe how big the girls are too... I bet you're excited for this one."

"We can't wait," I gently rub my growing belly as the baby kicks "I think the girls might be more excited than us though. Especially Leyah now that she finally understands what a baby means."

Brad comes back with his friends and some food and drinks for us, handing my a virgin daiquiri as he sips on his beer. I lean into him listening to all the conversations going on around me, everyone catching up with old classmates they haven't seen in years.

"I'm really happy we got to come. I might not know these people but you're always so happy back home."

"Thank you for dragging me out here. I know you'd probably rather be somewhere more fun but it means so much to me that you're always willing to come to these with me."

"Right now, there's not many other places I'd want to be. Maybe an island or somewhere with great wine and cheese, but you can take me there once baby's out."

"Of course... we'll need time to reconnect and Leyah has made it clear she's raising the baby so no worries there. We can have all the time we want."

He wraps his arms around me, his way of showing how proud he is of me and our family when he talks about all of us, showing off the cutest pictures of the girls to everyone.

I get talked into sitting with some of the other wives by Carol, leaving Brad and his friends to reminisce about all their high school days.

"So last night Kylie told us she got kicked off the cheer squad for skipping practice so often. We had no idea she wasn't going and now she won't talk to us about it."

"I'm so glad Carter wasn't a girl. I don't know how I'd handle a teenage girl. The worst we had to deal with was him not making varsity football."

"I don't even know what to do about her anymore..."

I drift off away from their issues so I can watch everyone else socialize about things that seem way more interesting than parenting issues.

"Jen? Je-"

"Yeah? Sorry I was just thinking about everything you were saying."

"I'm just not sure what to do... has anything like this happened with Mey?"

"Nothing to that extend. She's had some moments but so far we just give her some space when we can and talk it out. I've noticed most of the time anything happens it has to do with things at school."

"I was thinking about calling her teacher but I don't want to overstep."

"I used to think like that too, but as her mom sometimes you have to. It's not easy."

They finally move on to talking about their houses and neighbors leaving me completely out of the conversation as I have no idea about anything around here other than Brad's neighborhood.

After a riveting conversation about how annoying it is to have anyone living around them, I finally get a phone call that I can use as an excuse to leave.


"What baby? Are you okay? Where's Mey?"

"Mommy Mey say no TV but I not sweepy and I stay up!"

"Leyah it's way past your bedtime anyway. Why weren't you in bed an hour ago?"

"Cause Mey only gif two kisses."

"And did you tell her you need more?"

"Nooo... mommy can I have dwink?"

"You can have a few sips of water if you put Mey on the phone."

I hear Mey in the background getting her drink before fighting Leyah for the phone.

"Why is your sister still awake?"

"I put her to bed over an hour ago but she got up twice and won't stay in bed. I even asked if she wanted to sleep with me but all she wants is to watch her dumb TV shows."

"Give her a few minutes to sit and make sure she has hubsy, but no more water. Have her go potty after a few minutes and then lay with her. Try to read that book dad got her last week. She hasn't had that one yet so it might be more interesting for her."

"What if it doesn't work?"

"We should hopefully be home soon. These other wives are driving me crazy."

I look up once I see the door open, thankful it's just Brad walking out to see if I'm okay.

"Leyah won't sleep. Mey didn't give her enough kisses so now she thinks she can stay up and watch tv."

"I think she's finally getting tired. But please come home soon or I'm going to fall asleep before she does."

"We'll be home in an hour."

Brad stops me before I can try walking back in the room, handing me our little souvenir bags as he walks me out the main door.

"I told them Leyah wasn't feeling good so we had to leave early. I could tell Amy and Carol were driving you crazy."

"You're the best husband ever."

We get back in the car and I feel like I can finally relax again now that we're away from all the chaos.

"I love your friends, I really do, but their wives... they're more uptight than Hollywood wives. I could never imagine acting like they do."

"I have no idea where they found them but I'm glad I got you and we aren't writing letters to the mayor every week about our neighbors grass being a little too high for our liking."

"God I wish those were our only problems... this is the last time I go to one of those things pregnant. Next time I even have the option to show up drunk or you can go alone and I'll drive you."


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