Her first day of school pt.2

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"Yeah...what's going on?" I wake up after a much needed nap from the hectic morning I had. We slept the whole time, taking the much needed break to rest before I need to go to my meetings.

"Leyah needs to be picked up in 30 minutes, I'm gonna get ready" She pulls herself out of the bed, walking to the shower

"Do you feel any better? I was gonna go pick her up before going to the studios"

"Yeah I feel better, I'm gonna go pick her up. I still want her to feel like I was there on her first day"

"You know she won't remember in 10 years..."

"I know she won't but it's still so important to me...it's my baby's first day" Her and Leyah had been prepping for so long for this day and I know how much it meant for Jen so I let her go.

"Alright babe"

I get downstairs and make her breakfast while she gets dressed, it's not made of much considering her state but at least it should help.

Jen's POV

I pull in the parking lot, waiting until it's time to go pick up Leyah. All the parents are already there waiting in front of the gate, some of them lurking into the car. Once the gate opens I finally get out of the car, smiling to everyone as we make our way into the school.

"Hi, I'm here to pick up Leyah-"

"Mrs Pitt hello! Come in please, she's finishing her painting" I'm welcomed by Ms Sawyer, Leyah's second teacher for the year. " ...Leyah look who came to pick you up!" She immediately looks up from her painting, her eyes filling with stars as she runs to me.


"Hiiiii my baby! How was your first day of school? Did you have fun?" I kneel on the floor to hug her tight, taking a few seconds to look at her in her little outfit.

"Yeah...I cwy too mommy" She wraps her little fingers around my neck, playing with my hair as she speaks directly in my face

"Awww you cried- why did you cry honey?" I pull her closer to me, giving her a kiss

"Yeah she had a difficult morning when her dad dropped her off. She wouldn't speak to anyone the first hour and sat in her corner crying asking for you"

"God I'm so sorry for not taking her this morning I-"

"Oh don't worry Mrs Pitt-" She pulls out a chair for me as my belly is now getting pretty noticeable

"Please call me Jen, Thank you "

"Jen, don't worry, you husband explained you had a difficult morning and honestly it's understanding, pregnancy is a tough journey"

"Sure is...I hope I'll be better enough to drop her off for the rest of the week, and I hope she-"

"Mommy I dwaw for you and daddy, because I miss you and I cwied" She runs to her little desk ready to show me everything she did while still making sure to make me feel a little guilty for not coming this morning.

"Oh you did? Show me honey"

"Ms Sawyer I can show?"

"Of course you can Leyah, those are all for mommy and daddy"

"Wooooow they're amazing honey, I love them so much! Is that me and daddy?" I take a look at her first little masterpiece, the first of a thousands more to come.

"This is mama...this daddy...this Mey...doggies and here fishy!" She points a little fish in the corner which is I guess my baby, making me chuckle

"Does she also have a fish? She keeps mentioning her little fish"

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