We need to do this together

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"Oh wow"


"My god...that's- wow"

"Yeah, it was uhm, pretty disturbing but things are getting better now. But we're really keeping an eye on her now"

She takes a sip of her wine while Court processes everything "I feel like she's still a baby, and now she's having sex...oh my god do you think Coco is too?"

"Gosh Court, Coco is 11...no no no she can't, I'm sure she doesn't even know what sex is, she's too young"

"Well I thought Mey would be too young to know about sex, and look at that"

"Court Coco is not having sex, forget about that...wouldn't be too bad to tell her about safe sex in a few years tho"

"I know...ugh girls are so tricky"

"We have to protect them about sooo many things...so yeah that's why you guys didn't see me these last days, I was caught between house hunting, school stuff and then that happened so I was super busy"

"Well it's okay honey...that was obviously much more important"

"Yeah...what about you, how have you been?"

"I've been on set all the time for the last 2 weeks...I have the movie premiere next week, are you still coming by the way?"

"Yeah we're still coming"

"Alright....and I have some script readings in the next week along with that charity event"

"Is it weird that I already miss it? Working and being busy, having premieres and events...I miss having all these stuff and now I feel like I'm drowning in home stuff"

"No it's not...you've been multitasking forever between being a single mom and working, and now all of a sudden you're doing only one thing so it's normal for you to miss it."

"I mean I love spending time with the girls, also trying to fix the things I didn't see coming such as Mey having sex, and at the same time taking care of my relationship with my husband....AND house hunting...it's a lot but it's not work, you know? I miss cinema"

"Jen you've been gone for 3 weeks only! This is ridiculous"

"I know I know..."

"I think you need to organize your tasks every day and mostly enjoy your family as much as you can"

"Brad's been filming lately, so I see him less...I miss him a lot, which is odd for me cause he and I had passed that period already you know, when you're all over each other and inseparable"

"Yes but you guys rekindled your love, you have a healthier relationship which you work very hard for, you're really in love so of course you're gonna miss each other"

"Mama I hungwyyy" Leyah runs from the garden to Jen's laps after running around with Court's dogs, climbing on her as she reaches for her food.

"Hey hey missy, wait don't put your hands in my plate" She pulls her plate in front of her feeding her with fries

"Did you have fun with the dogs?"

"Yeah...I hungwy mama" she points to the food, letting them no she has no time to speak while Jen feeds her.

"So what are you guys doing this afternoon?"

"I have a photoshoot at 4pm with Mark Seliger for Elle"

"Oh that's awesome, you had an interview?"

"The interview is in a week- actually two weeks...about the upcoming movie projects, wellness and love life"

"Are you gonna talk about you and Brad?"

"Yeah I am...I won't go in too much detail tho. I want to keep most of it private, but I'm not sure of what will be asked"

"Well that's good, you'll be able to make the rumors stop and let people know that you are with Brad"

"Yeah...I'm excited for the photoshoot tho, I get to see Mark, it's been such a long time."

Later on

"That's perfect, amazing Jen...could you look on your side while smiling?"
She does as said, while the whole crew is watching and capturing the moment

"Mamaaaaa" Leyah runs to Jen, wrapping her little arms around her legs, then follows her nanny

"Honey, I'm working right now, can you go back to Lauraine for now please? We'll go get some ice cream later if you want"

"No I see picture tooooo" she raises her arms, for Jen to pick her up, earning awws from everyone.

"I'm so sorry guys"

"Haha it's okay, Leyah do you want to come stay with me and watch the pictures I take?"

Mark tries to buy her with some candy, which not so surprisingly works perfect. "I watch mama, wooooow you bewtiful !"

"Aw thank you honey"

She leans over Mark who's sitting on the floor to look at all the picture he's already taken, making sure to tell him which one she loves and those she thinks are "no good for mama".

Jen's POV

I watch Mark and his little assistant in disbelief, seeing how interested she is with everything he does with his camera and all the pictures that appear on the screen.  "Jen do you want me to take her back to your dressing room? I'm sorry she really wasn't interested in playing with her toys "

"Oh no don't worry, I think she's really interested in the pictures thing"

I get changed for the next series of pictures, which is mostly me wearing a tie and underwear, then walk back on stage. Leyah runs back to me as soon as I walk out, staring at my outfit
"Mama where your clothes?"

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