Turns out....

712 15 5

It's around 6 in the afternoon, Jen and Justin are cuddling and making out in his living room. The couch had an amazing view on downtown and they were listening to some good music. They had spent almost every night of the week together, talking, laughing drinking and having amazing sex.

"I'm starving a little"

"Should we order something?"

"Yesss" Justin gets up and walks to his bedroom with Jen following him

"I'm gonna order, and I have to pack my suitcase too, my flight is at 9 tonight"

"Oh...right" she knew he was leaving, but for a reason or another this time she felt sad, and disappointed that he had to be away from her

"What should we eat? Are you thinking about something in particular? Mexican? I know you love that"

"Uhm, sure....yeah Mexican" He could see on her face that she was different, something was suddenly off with her "Jen? Are you okay? What's wrong?"

"...Do you really have to leave? Tonight, do you need to go back to New York?"

He just smiles and sits next to her "Yeah I'm writing a new script and I have meetings all day tomorrow, why what's wrong?"

"Well...I like when you're here, I love the time we spend together and I know that we are not committed to each other, we are not together...but turns out-"


"Turns out i really like you, and I like being with you" she smiles nervously.

He doesn't say anything, just looks at her smiling then approaches his lips and kisses her. This time it's different, she feels different, she has butterflies in her stomach

"So what are you saying, I mean you said you didn't want any strings attached"

"I know, but now I feel different...I really like you, I don't like when you have to go back, I don't like knowing that you could be seeing other people, that I don't get to ask you where you are because I want you to be with me"

"And I like you too, I wanna be with you...only if you would let me...I wanna date you Miss Aniston"

"And i wanna date you Mister Theroux" she smiles before kissing him agains. They look at each other, both smiling, looking like idiots but couldn't care less

"You know I still have to go tonight tho, right?"

"Yeah I know...as long as you come back soon enough that I don't miss you"

"I won't...and now I'm gonna make it up to you so you know what to expect when I'm back"

He lifts her up, making her squeal and takes her to the bathroom "Justin! Stooop put me down" she laughs so hard as he gives her a tap on the butt

"Uh uh..."

We get to the bathroom where he finally puts me down and starts kissing passionately. I wrap my arms around his neck as our kisses become sloppy.

He backs off after a minute and walks to the bathtub. He turns the water on and adds all the soap and bath salt "Justin do you even have the time for a bath?"

He sits on the edge and pulls me closer to him, stroking my back and pulling me for another kiss "Well since we don't have much time, I thought I should take a bath and have sex at the same time, I get to do two things at once.

"Can I at least take off my clothes before we head in?"

"How hard can that be?" He opens my bathrobe in one swift motion, letting it slide down my whole body as he watches.

I feel his strong, warm arms wrap around my naked body. He runs his hands down from my chest to my waist before pulling me in with him in the tub. I turn around to face him and he immediately starts to kiss me.

He carefully traces my whole body. Starting at my forehead and down to my toes. I shiver under the soft, welcoming touch of his fingers. The feeling makes me melt, the touch of his soapy chest sends shivers to my spine.

He moans softly as I take control. I kiss the soft spot of his neck surly leaving a mark. My warm soapy hands trace his whole body. Stopping at his perfectly toned abs I inch my fingers down to his huge bulge. He starts to moan even louder as I stroke it, feeling it get bigger by the seconds.

The water splashes over me.  He has taken control again, kissing me more passionately than ever. The tender  touch of him exploring my body once again makes me mirror his need. I moan loudly between kisses egging him on.

He gets situated before starting thrusting. Each thrust fills me with more and more pleasure. If he wasn't holding me up against the tub, I'd be drowning by now.

I moan even louder than before not being able to speak. The pleasure is starting to overwhelm me as he starts to slow down. We both finish, collapsing and shaking. I lean over his wet, tired body to kiss him once I've regained my strength. He kisses me back pulling me closer to him.

As the buzzer rings, he gets out of the tub, probably to take our order. I decide to get out, rince myself then join him

"Oh my god, this smells so good"

"I know right, there's a little bit of everything" he feeds me with some nachos of course putting guacamole all over my robe "Justin-"

"I'm sorry haha, you're cute with it tho"

"Yeah right I'm cute with guacamole on my robe" he gives me a peck before cleaning everything

"So, when are you coming back?"

"I could be coming back in two weeks, but why don't you come and visit me in New York, you're having a year off right?"

"Yeah...but Mey has school, I could wait until she has a break, they can stay with Brad and even that I'll have to see if he's available"

"Or you can come with them, that could be fun we'll have slumber parties"

"Haha do you realize twelve year olds are not just about that? And I would present you as?..."

"Your friend/boyfriend?"

"Don't you think it's a little too soon? I mean...I'd rather wait"

"Sure of course, you're right as a friend then"


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