School and...sickness

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"I swear it's been taking me forever to settle on colours and designs for this room, I'm running late on everything" Jen walks Dre and Court to what is supposed to be the baby's nursery

"How long are you guys still staying in this house?"

"Well we've had offers but the new house won't be ready until four more months, I first thought I'll just have the bassinet and stuff in our room and then do the real nursery in the new house. But we aren't in a rush to sell and won't leave until the house is ready so that's why I feel like I should have a nursery ready, with at least the basic stuff you there it is"

They get in the still messy room, there's still nothing in it, just touches of different colour paintings to test on the walls "Oh yeah so you really meant there's nothing at all"

"Yeah...we're still discussing colours like I said"

"You do realise you'll be giving birth in not more than 6 weeks" Court nervously smiles , her inner organiser itching its way out

"Why are you trying to freak me out Court? I know that, and I'm freaking out"

"I personally really love the beige and brown colours" Dre interrupts, pointing at the colour patches on the wall "But since we don't know the sex yet, it's more complicated." She walks around the room, imagining perfectly the colours in her head as she draws the perfect image of the nursery. " Why don't you go for the more neutral colours, like white and grey. The furniture could be in light wooden colours, it'll fit perfectly, a little like the nursery you had for Leyah but with less pink"

"Actually this really works Jen, and you could have the changing table over here, it would face the crib...and the lounger chair here with a bookcase to read stories?" Courteney adds as Jen watches them go on and designing the perfect nursery for her.

"Oh my, I love those ideas. Do you guys wanna do it for me? Please?"

"I'd love to yeah, I don't know when's the last time I was designing a nursery"

"Yesss, we could even use all the little love letters the girls wrote for the baby, write those letters on one wall in gold letters, with their names under it. We'll keep the best ones"

"Awww oh my god, that's such a good idea Dre-" Jen's interrupted by her phone ringing, she's about to mute it when she notices it's Leyah's school


"Hi Mrs Pitt? It's Mrs...Leyah's teacher. I'm calling because Leyah hasn't been feeling well this morning...she's had a fever for the last hour and seems really tired. We didn't give her anything just in case but I think it would be better if you could come pick her up?"

"Oh-uhm yes of course. Did she eat anything?"

"No not really, she didn't eat much of her lunch, just some slices of apple and then drank water"

"Alright..I'll come pick her up right now then, thank you for calling"

"Of course, I'll see you in a little"

She hangs up then heads straight to her bedroom to grab her bag as the girls follow "What's up with Lesley?"

"She's had a fever apparently, they told me I should come pick her up"

"Aw poor baby. Unfortunately this starts as soon as they start going to school. I hope it's never too bad tho"

"Yeah I hope so too, she's never really been sick ever since she was a baby either so I hope it's nothing too bad"

"Are you sure you can go? You're not tired?"

"No no I'm fine guys don't worry you can go, I feel quite alright today so I'll go pick her up, and I'll text Brad tooso that he can come home if it's needed"

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