Happy birthday Mey

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"Babe you're okay?"

I hear Brad from the bedroom as I'm throwing up again for what feels like the hundredth time today, feeling weaker than I've felt in a couple days. I can feel this is not gonna be any easier and there's no way what I'm feeling is normal but the most important thing to me right now is to be there for my daughter on her special day, and I'm not about to let this ruin her day.

"Yeah, is she here yet?"

"No she's not but Court said they were on their way....they should be here in 10. Are you sure you're gonna be fine?"

"I'm gonna be fine" I finish then wash my face before walking to my closet and getting my dress on on for the day. "Mama, I weadyyyyy!"

Leyah runs in, jumping into Brad's arms as they both watch me get ready. "You look so pretty my baby! Mey is gonna be sooo happy to see you dressed like that"

Once we're all ready, we get downstairs, the whole place has completely changed into a 13 year old dream party. There are balloons everywhere, we made sure she'd have all her favorite meals and desserts. A few minutes later the security lets me know that the band is here, right on time before Court and the girls come over. We had her sleep at Courtney's yesterday with Coco and some of their friends so that we could prepare the surprise for her birthday.

"Hi guys! Oh my god thanks for coming, Mey is gonna be so excited!"

"Hi Jen, of course, we wouldn't miss it for the world"

"She talks about you guys all the time, has every album all the posters- it's a Jonas Brothers mess in her bedroom basically" I let them in, showing them the place and the garden where they will be performing when Mey walks out.

"Aw that's so sweet, we'll do everything to make this day unforgettable for her"

"Great thank you again!"

"Mama i have one cupcake?" Leyah pulls on my dress as I check on everything, noticing parents starting to drop off their kids.

"Yes honey you can ask daddy for one, but that's it"


"Jen they're here!" Brad yells from the entry as I gather all the kids in the garden to surprise Mey.

"Okay okay, guys you need to all hide in the garden" Once they're all hiding I go greet them

"Hiiii, Happy birthday my baby, my first born...oh my god I love you so much baby. Look at you so pretty, I can't believe you're thirteen today." I hold Mey tight in my arms, kissing her forehead.

"Thank you mom, you're holding me a little too tight tho"

"Sorry, it's just hard to see you growing up so fast, i feel like you were born yesterday and now you're a teenager, talking about boys and make up" I tear up, thinking of all the amazing memories of her growing up, her first steps, her first word...all in that house.

"Aww mom are you going to cry? Please don't cry?"

"I won't cry I promise" I kiss her one more time before she goes on to hug Brad while Court comforts me.

"Happy birthday princess, now you're fourteen  but that's it, you can't grow up more okay?"

"Okay dad, promise"

"Good...now let's go in the garden have food before your friends get here" I take her hand as we walk out, all her friends jumping out and the band starting to play.


"Oh my god! Guysssss! The Jonas Brothers?! Thank you so much! This is the best gift ever!!" She hugs the both of us, jumping up and down before running down to her friends. "You're welcome honey, go have fun"

For Dear LifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora