Her first day of school

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Jen falls back on the bed next to Brad who's still deeply asleep. She's been sick most of the night, only finally getting a break.

She checks on the clock, it's already 7am which means there's only two hours left before they have to take Leyah to her first day of preschool.


"Mhm yeah- babe, what's wrong?"

"We have to get up, get Leyah ready for school...Mey should be up in an hour as well"

"Okay..." Brad opens his eyes, noticing Jen is clearly not doing well. She's once again completely pale, barely hanging on.

"Have been sick earlier again?"

"Most of the night...didn't want to wake you up"
She can read on his face the empathy and sadness he has for her at that moment.

"Babe I've already told you, you can wake me up I don't mind at all"

"Someone needs to have enough energy to take care of the girls, if I can't then at least you need to sleep well"

"I don't care, I want to be there for you when you need it"

"There's not much you can do right now babe" She covers herself back after drinking some water. "Do you need something?"

"No... just maybe you should get Leyah ready. She has too much energy for me right now."

He gives her a kiss as he gets himself out of bed, nervous about how Leyah will react to her big day.

Brad's POV

I walk into Leyah's room, her little outfit she chose is already hanging on her bed, with her asleep half off the bed reminding me of how good she sleeps.

"Hi princess..." I sit next to her head, gently waking her peaceful body "Did you sleep good? It looks like dada might have to do your hair before scho-"

"Dada I haf my cwofes ready!"

She jumps up, pulling her little backpack out from under the blankets where she must have hid it at some point last night, and hands me the clothes she picked out.

"You and mama dwess me?"

"Well mama needs some extra rest so I'm going to get you dressed and do your hair, then we'll go show mama before we leave."

"No no. Mama do hair."

"Ley-" I can tell by her face that any arguing is going to cause a breakdown on an already emotional morning, so I decide to let this one go "Okay. We'll have mama do it after you eat breakfast. But you have to sit nicely."

I watch her get everything ready, my princess starting her first day of preschool, so excited to learn like her big sister even if it breaks our hearts to watch her grow up so fast.

She takes her time getting her little pink dress on, making sure everyone can see the flowers on it perfectly as I help with the shoes and backpack.

"I can take my cwans?"

"I don't know, honey. I think Miss. Hannah has all the crayons you could possibly need there. Remember the super cool unicorn book and the slide for play time? You're going to have soooooo much fun!"

I get her downstairs for breakfast to see that Mey is already working on cereal for all of us and all I have to do is pack Leyah's lunch.

"Mey we bof go school?"

"Yep. You get to be just like me today! And look we even both have dresses on."

"Mama hewp me find dis!"

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