No ordinary love

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"I know honey, I'm gonna miss you too so so much. You need to be very nice with Cece and David okay?...alright...I love you too baby, can you put Mey on the phone now?"

Brad watches as Jen is on the phone with Leyah for the second time since they've left the house for the airport. It's the first time neither her or Brad are staying with her while the other is gone which is a little scary, but this vacation time is so needed for them.

He planned a whole week for just the two of them as a birthday gift for her, some time to reconnect and take time to really enjoy each other, and take care of their marriage.

"Okay I love you honey, bye" She finally hangs up, putting the phone in her bag as she takes a deep breath, smiling at Brad.

"Are they alright?"

"They're alright, Leyah seems pretty excited to be at Court's"

"Of course she's gonna be excited, she always has the most fun there...Mey?"

"Pretty excited not to have us on her back for a week"

"I bet...what about you?" He smiles, staring at her. You can read the excitement in both their eyes, the idea that this is the first time they're going away alone ever since they got back together.

"I...I happy that I finally get to have my husband for myself all the time, every day, for an entire week"

"I've been waiting for that for a while now...You look amazing, in that dress"

"I do? Thanks baby"

Once they've taken off and the jet is stable, they move to the private bedroom part and lay in each other's arms. Jen has her head buried in his neck, his perfume calming her right away and they're both laying in silence. It is one of those moments when silence is worth so many words. They're comfortable with each other, so comfortable that nothing is needed to be said at that moment.

"You know what?" She lifts her head, staring deep into his eyes

"What baby?"

"Your arms are the most comfortable place...the only place where I feel secure, I feel unconditionally loved...desired ...I know we always say that home is where our family is and all, but honestly your arms are my home. There's no place I'd rather be"

"You're my home"

"And you're mine" she leans to kiss him, a tender and yet slow and passionate kiss.

Once the plane has landed, they both get out hand in hand. A few paparazzi are unfortunately there but this doesn't bother them, no one around them seems to matter as they only have eyes for each other.

They rented a villa in a beautiful resort facing the ocean, they have a private pool and a private beach which allows them to enjoy their time there without being bothered by anyone. They have a private chef and everything they need.

Later that night

"Babe I'm kind of starving, should we eat in or are we going out to a restaurant?"

Jen pulls her head out of the shower to answer "Uh I'm a little tired, so let's just eat in? I can ask the chef to make something for us"

"No don't worry I'll take care of it, anything specific you want?"

"Anything but meat"

"Got it"

He goes over to the kitchen while she finishes her shower. A few minutes later she's done and wraps herself in a bathrobe, joining him on the deck.

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