That did not just happen

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It's been 10 minutes since Jen left the restaurant. Brad is in his car, not knowing if he should go to her, actually he doesn't even know where she is right now.

She's not picking up the phone or answering to his messages, so he decides to go to her house and wait for her there. There are so many things running through his mind at the moment, so many things he wishes he had done or said differently, and now his worst fear is that she doesn't want him anymore.

Jen's POV

As soon as I get home I'm so furious that i don't know what to do with myself. I let Leyah play around in the garden with the dogs as i keep my eyes on them, trying my best to calm down.  Why would he lie to me? Why the hell would he hide that he was seeing someone and let that girl humiliate me in front of everyone?

"Mama my baw!"

Leyah runs to me, letting me know Dolly won't give her ball back so i absolutely need to do something about it "Here's your ball honey, see, Dolly gave it back"

"Dolly nice..."

"Yes Dolly is really-"

"Hey..." I turn around hearing Brad's voice, the last thing i want to hear right now.

"I'm really not in the mood now Brad."
I get Leyah and the dogs back in, completely ignoring him as I'm afraid to say things i may regret later on.

"But i need to talk to you now, before you start imagining things that aren't happening" I pass right by him, put Leyah in front of her favorite TV show, feed the dogs then go back on the deck where he's sitting.

I stand in front of the glass door, not even wanting to be close to him at the moment "I'm listening."

"Aren't you going to sit down?"


"Jen...Karla was just a hook up, it was never a relationship, there was nothing more than sex between us. When you and i started seeing each other again, i stopped seeing her, i swear i didn't cheat on you with her or anybody"

"Do yo have any idea of how humiliating that was Brad?! she came to you, in front of our friends and our daughter! In a public place! Not even bothering that i was there, telling you how she missed you?? Do you even realize? Where do you even find those girls?"

"I know that was really fucked up, but how could i know that she would see us or come to us?"

"Well maybe if you had told her that it was definitely over between you two, she wouldn't have come to you there Brad! Did you tell her it was over?"

"..." he stays silent, confirming what i was thinking

"Jen i didn't tell her because we never had a relationship where i needed to tell her i didn't want to see her anymore...she was just a hook up."

"Even when it's just a hook up, you NEED to inform the person that you can't see her anymore! What if she sells a story to the press? What if she tells them you and I are back together, or that you were sleeping with her while being with me??"

"She won't i promise, I'll make sure of it...but babe i swear i wasn't sleeping with her ever since you and i got back heard her earlier i haven't been taking her phone calls anymore"

"I don't care about who you were screwing Brad, I'm mad because she came for my husband in front of our friends. And I'm mad because you lied to me about seeing someone the whole time we weren't together anymore."

"I didn't mention her because i wasn't seeing her, we were just having sex Jen. Regular sex, she wasn't even the only one, we weren't exclusive."

"Save the details for yourself, just make sure i never have to cross her path ever."

" won't, baby I'm really sorry this happened" He gets closer to me,

"I know..."

Before i can say anything else, my focus goes back Leyah who's trying to play with a vase "Leyah put that down can you even lift that up? That child is incredibly strong"

"She gets that from me"

"Probably does yeah..." I go back to sit with Leyah, playing with her little dolls and letting Brad know that I'm really not happy with him at the moment. I know this isn't technically  his fault, but still this is something that could've been avoided.

" I get to stay here tonight?"

"No, I'm still not happy with you at're sleeping at your place"

"Alright, I'll take that, I deserve it" He smirks, making me smile internally. He kisses Leyah then kisses me on the head as I won't even look at him at the moment, then leaves.

Leyah and i spend the rest of the afternoon playing in the living room, we even build a castle in which Norman and Dolly can nap with us, and then had some cookies with milk.

I make dinner for the two of us, then we have a cute little dinner date, with her of course making a mess everywhere and laughing proudly about it. "I mesh!"

"You made a huuuge mess honey, that's not cool" I lift her off her high chair then take her upstairs for a very much needed bath.

"It beauful!"

'It's beautiful?"


"Haha, well your daddy would call it art! Are you an artist?"

"Tist yeah"

"You're definitely your father's daughter then" After giving her a bath we choose one of her favorite pj's, then snuggle in bed where i feed her until she falls asleep.

Once she's completely knocked out, I finish cleaning the kitchen including her big mess then take shower. Once I'm done i quickly check on Mey to make sure she's doing alright then I get to bed and start watching a show.

After an hour i get a text from Brad:

"Are you sleeping?"

"It's 9:30...when am I ever sleeping at 9:30?"

"I don't had a long day"
She laughs at his text, knowing him way too much to know that he's just trying to talk to her again

"Brad, my days are usually worst than that and i still sleep around midnight...are you trying to find a way to talk to me again?"

"Yeah I am lol...but I miss feet are freezing, I miss rubbing them against your warm legs to heat them up"

"Well if that's what you're missing, it won't happen any time soon, i hate your freezing feet on me"

"But you sure love when I'm on top of you😌"


"Am i wrong tho? I saw some good stuff a few nights ago, i need to hear those screams again"

"Haha you're unbelievable...I'm still mad tho"

"Well I love you and I miss you...and your smoking body"


"So now you won't answer me? Come onnnn i know you miss me too"

"I love and miss you too, now goodnight." I smile before continuing my show

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