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"Well I think we should totally take it. It's a great story and it could take us really far" I say as I'm agreeing with our partners to produce a new movie "Okay then I'll contact Leigh and we can sign the papers"

I get up then get to my office, Laura gets in handing me the program of my trip to Iceland "You're taking off Wednesday, and you should be shooting for a week before coming back in L.A" I nod taking my paperwork "Thanks sweetie, don't I need like a VISA or something?"

"Yeah you need a VISA actually they're doing it and you should receive it tomorrow. It's okay since you're leaving in three days, actually are you going with Mey?" "No I don't want her to miss school, so she'll stay here with Brad" "Alright"

"Okay I better go home, Mey should be back in about an hour, talk to you later" I take off and head home, Brad's car is already in the hallway which is weird cause he's shooting and so he comes around 8p.m.

I get inside the house, Mey is listening to music on her phone. I wave my  hand so she can see me "Hey honey where's dad?" "Hi mom he's in you guys room I think" "Have you done your homework? You need to do them asap then you can listen to music"

She sighs not really liking the idea then get to her desk. I get in our room, then the bathroom "haha what are you doin?" I get near the bathtub where he's having a bath with candles and music, and sit on the edge "I'm just enjoying myself a little, do you want to join me?"

"I have to say it's really appealing but I still need to make my suitcases for Wednesday" "What's happening Wednesday, where are going?" "Again, you really listen to me Brad, I'm glad....I told you we're shooting a part of the movie in Iceland, for like a week"

He stares at the window letting me know he's pissed "What now? You knew about it, I told you a month ago" "I thought we were trying to spend more time together, and stop this traveling thing cause we're always apart and need that more...Jen this is not how we're gonna work things out between us"

"Brad we just spent five days together with our daughter and it was great, I can't say no now it's really not professional, and it's just for a week" He gets out of the bathtub then wraps himself in a towel "See, Jen you always do this. YOU say things and you don't do them, you're so fucking annoying when you do that"

"Brad are you kidding? I accepted this movie a year ago, YOU TOLD ME TO! I love you, I want to spend time with you like crazy and with Mey but I need to stay committed to my job!
I said yes even before we were struggling. I need to do this, you know it and you would've done the same thing!!" He gets dressed walking downstairs

"I'm fed up, really! I don't know how we're gonna do this, we say we want to try but don't do anything...say you can't go! You say I'm the one not making any efforts, but you're the one running away"

He takes his keys then gets out of the house, slamming the door behind him. I want to cry but tears can't come out.

I turn to go back upstairs, Mey gets out of her room "What's wrong? Where's dad?....did you just fight again?"

"Yeah...but you know he'll come back, he's just a little pissed of for now sweetie" I take her hand then we go to our bedroom where we watch a Christmas movie.

We eat some popcorn and soda, not really carrying about anything "Mom, dad's gonna kill us if he sees us eating in your bed" "Who cares, I'll say I dragged you into this" The movie ends and Brad comes back home a little less angry then earlier.

He kisses Mey then ask her to leave us for awhile. "What's up?" I ask as I sit still on the bed waiting for him to tell me if he's still mad or okay "Mey's teacher called me and she wants an appointment to talk about her" "Did she say what was the subject?"

He shakes his head not knowing and actually not wanting to talk to me either.

"Anyway It's 5p.m tomorrow don't be late" He says. I get up walking downstairs " like I'm ever late for appointments...anyway I'm going to Court's are you still coming?" He shakes his head saying no so I take my purse and my keys "If you guys need something text me please"

I finally arrive at Court's obviously late, and everybody is already drinking and laughing like crazy in the garden

"Hey guys!" "Heeeeeeey!" I go and sit next to Lisa and Amanda "Where's Brad? I thought you guys were coming together"

Lisa asks a little disappointed since they haven't seen each other in a long time "We...had a fight and decided he wasn't coming anymore" I sigh "What...why?"

"I'm supposed to leave for Iceland the day after tomorrow and he doesn't want me to cause we promised we'll stop traveling and spend more time together, the thing is that I had already said says to this job way before we were struggling....I cannot say no like two days before....anyway now he won't talk to me"

"I think he's just sad that you guys are gonna be apart again" Court says "Yeah, I know and I'm sad too, but the thing with Brad is that he never wants to see the other person point of view. He thinks it pleases me to leave, and I'm sick of always apologizing for things he shouldn't even be mad for...anyway let's have some drinks"

I get up then get to Court's bar where David and Bruce are having a drink "Heeey! Where's Brad?" I take a sip of my drink "Not coming"

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