We're doing this

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"Oh my god mom look at this one he is so cute" we walk in the shelter looking for a new puppy.

She somehow convinced us she needs a puppy but we agreed the puppy will stay with Brad since we already have Norman and Dolly and she of course will not have the time to fully take care of it...plus with a baby on the way a puppy is the last thing I want to think about

"Mey do you even know what kind of puppy you'll like ?" Brad bends over a little white Spitz.

"He is actually adorable but he looks like a little rat" she laughs "Aw but look at his little face, well I want him"

"Brad SHE is supposed to choose not you"

"Yeah but I want him too...Mey go choose whichever you want, I want him...and I'm gonna name him...oh actually her Snow" I keep myself from laughing as he is falling in love with a puppy

"Wow, when people will ask why we're not together anymore I'll say you left me for him"

"And I will confirm that...right? You're so cute" he says in a baby voice playing with the poor puppy. I roll my eyes laughing as we keep walking

"Oh mom look at them!!" We get to a bunch of little pit bull puppies, they are black and white, the cutest thing ever "Aww they are so cute" I cannot resist myself holding one of them

"Haha they were dropped to us a month ago, they're 2 moths old" they lady who guides us through the shelter explains "Well I want one...oh that one!"

She chooses a little puppy whiter than the others "That's a female"

"Yeah I want her, pleeaaaasse" Brad and I nod agreeing that they're the cutest thing ever. We finish all the paper work we need to do, take all she needs and then go back to Brad's appartement

"Well you've got a cute appartement in here" I observe the beautiful ceiling and opened windows around the living room ", but you definitely need a made"

"I know I'm such a mess, I don't know how to clean" he sighs "Well this is your new house puppy..."

"Actually..." I look at Brad in a guilty way "...I think she's so cute I want to take her home with us"

"Really!!?! Oh thanks mom!!!" She almost jumps on me "You're sure you can handle this?"

"Yeah I think we'll be fine I just don't know how will Dolly and Normy react to her....aaaand YOU Mey are going to train her, otherwise back to dad's house"

"Alright I promise!! Thank you"

"Now we need to find a name for her" she looks at us waiting for suggestions "crumble?" Mey and I both look at him "Are you kidding? No way haha"

"I know!..." they now look at me waiting for the suggestion "Sophie"

"I love it mom! Do you like it Sophie? Yes?...I think she likes it"

"Well that's a great name! Norman, Dolly and little Sophie" I smile holding her

"I'm gonna take her outside" she runs with the poor little puppy in her arms "Be careful honey...poor puppy she has no idea of what is happening to her" we both laugh

As I sit on the sofa i feel a little nauseous, giving me the hint that we need to talk. I quickly get to the bathroom but it's obviously a false alarm so I get back to the living room

"Hey, remember I wanted to talk to you about something"

"Yeah sure"

I situate myself on the couch, having no idea of how to tell him that, his reaction could either be really bad or really good. I don't want this to be another fight between us "So...." I smile nervously

"What's going on?" I know he's getting worried and my expression is not really helping, but this is not like the first time

"I'm pregnant Brad" his eyes widen as he now also rearrange himself on the couch in complete shock

"Oh...wh......wow..." I'm unable to read his mind, know if he's upset or happy, if this is gonna turn out good or make things worse between the two of us

"Congratulations ,....I guess...I guess I just never expected you to move on so-"



"Are you being stupid now?"

"No," he looks at me really not getting the fact that he is the father, causing me to laugh inside

"It's your baby!"

"Ow..." he doesn't say anything staring out the void "I...guess it happened-uh...at the wedding"

"Yeah...that's what we get when we're drunk and don't use protection" I smile myself staring at Mey who's still playing in the garden with Sophie

"When did you...find out?"

"About two weeks ago, on my trip with the girls, I was really shocked...actually I cried a lot but there's no surprise when I realize what we did" He keeps staring not able to say anything else at the moment,

"Are you alright? I mean I know it's not the best way to split and a baby is probably the last thing we would've think about"

" Yes it's not the best moment, having a baby when we're separating, but no matter what your decision is I'll support you through all of it" He takes my hand for the first time in a while being sweet and sincere with me

"Well I want to keep it, I really do, it'll be crazy not to keep this baby after all we've been through with trying to have another one.......don't you want me to keep it?" I try to read his mind again, as he's not the best to express how he really feels

"What? Of course I want you to keep it Jen, I just wanted you to know that if you didn't want to, I would've never force you to...."

"Alright I'm happy...I mean just because we're not together anymore doesn't mean we can't raise our kids together and do great..right?" I almost break down needing him to comfort me more than ever, as this is terrifying

"Of course, we're gonna do great....you're an amazing mom to Mey already, and I do my best...but we can do this Jen.........Wow I can't believe we're gonna have another baby"

"I know me neither, it's surreal to me....and oh my god I can't believe you really thought it was someone else's!" I roll my eyes as he laughs

"What? It's possible Jen"

"Yeah as if someone will want me when all I do is work, work, Mey and again work but now with a baby on the way"

"Hey, I always told you, I think you're extremely sexy with a belly...If i was them, I will want you in my bed every single day, with that belly of yours"

"Hahaha well thanks, I now feel better" he winks at me still holding my hand

"This is happening...we're doing this"

"We are"

"Did you tell her already?" He turns to look at Mey who is having the best time with Sophie

"No I was waiting to tell you and have an ultrasound before"

"Man she's gonna be so excited about that, she's gonna treat you like a queen in the house haha"

"Well let's hope she listens to her queen"

"Uh mom, dad," we turn to see Mey completely soaked with what I believe is pee and little Sophie in her hands not understanding a thing

"Sophie peed on daddy's hamac "

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